Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Monday, May 13, 2002
Message of Mary Most Holy

My son, today you are here at the feet of this My Venerable Image, which recalls My Apparition that took place in the Cova da Iria, in Fatima, in 1917.
Today, eighty-five years after that day, I return to earth, to tell everyone, through you, why I appeared at Fatima.
I appeared at Fatima to call the whole world to conversion and to return to God.
I appeared at Fatima to invite the world to peace and reconciliation with God.
I appeared at Fatima to warn the world of the 'great dangers' that awaited him in his journey through time to reach eternity.
I appeared at Fatima to reveal to them 'My Maternal Plans', and in return, to reveal also to them the 'plans that hell and evil' have plotted against humanity, in order to exterminate forever, if possible, not only the human race, but the earth itself and the true Catholic Faith.
I appeared at Fatima to reveal to them 'all the machinations of Satan' and his demons, who, through Russia, practical and theoretical atheistic communism, together with the nations totally forgotten and rebellious to God then, wished to spread all their infernal perfidy on earth, and thus cast all souls into eternal damnation.
I appeared at Fatima to begin My Great Final Battle against the evil one and his followers, serving Me as 'little children' and 'simple souls' full of faith, love and obedience to My Mother Voice.
I appeared at Fatima to reveal to the world 'all the steps' that the evil one would take, and therefore also 'all the steps' that My beloved children should take as well, in order to fight against him and his infernal gangs, so that as many souls as possible could be saved.
I appeared at Fatima, to tear apart the dense darkness of humanity with My Light, more intense and more powerful than that of the sun, and to enfold all souls in this Light, thus transforming them into 'beacons of Love and Grace', in the midst of a world, already darker than the pitch, and totally blackened by sin.
I have appeared in Fatima to reveal to the world that my Immaculate Heart is the Only Safe and Sure Path that will introduce you to God, in Heaven, and that in this Mother's Heart, I desire to close you all, my children, so harassed by my adversary, so wounded and wounded by sin and misery, in order to heal your wounds, cleanse your souls, strengthen you all, to present you again in my arms to God.
I appeared at Fatima, to reveal to them the prophecies of the Apocalypse, which are already living, and to carry out the Great Battle between Me, the Woman Dressed in the Sun, and the Red Dragon and his infernal confederates, which will soon reach its total apex, culminating with the final and eternal annihilation of the Great Dragon, Satan, and with the Final Triumph of My Immaculate Heart over the whole universe.
I appeared at Fatima to reveal once again how much I love the Prayer of the Holy Rosary, today so forgotten and despised, how powerful this My Prayer is and how it can change even the tragic situations of the world, thus generating a 'new source of Grace and Salvation' for the world.
I appeared at Fatima to reveal how great is the power of sacrifice and penance, and how effective these two means are in freeing souls from purgatory, in converting sinners, and in saving souls, even the most irreducible, before the last bond that binds them to the mortal body is broken, through an act of sincere repentance and contrition for their sins, thus freeing them from the fire that never goes out.
I appeared in Fatima, to leave after Me three Saints, three 'souls of pure fire', fused to My Immaculate Heart in My Fire of Love, so that the world, besides finding in them protection and love, would also find 'three burning arrows' showing the way to My Immaculate Heart, Gate of Heaven always open. And so that all may see that, just as they could reach Me through obedience to My Messages, all good souls who obey My Messages will also reach My Heart, which will introduce them, in turn, into the 'Heart' of the Most Holy Trinity.
My son, Jacinta and Francisco will continue to accompany him and protect him always. And they will also accompany and protect all My pilgrim children who come here, too.
Thus, today, when eighty-five years have passed since my First Apparition to my little Shepherds Lucia, Francisco and Jacinta, I bless them all with my Motherly Peace from the Cova da Iria of Fatima and from my Shrine in Jacareí".