Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil


Sunday, March 16, 2003

Message of Our Lady (Queen and Messenger of Peace)


My children, I, the Queen and Messenger of Peace, invite you at this time to do more prayer and more penance, I invite each of you to make this month of March a penance, a special sacrifice for world peace, that each of you refrain from anything you like very much, meat, sweets, coffee, anything that gives you pleasure and for which you have great appreciation. Offer these little sacrifices for the conversion of sinners can also offer abstinence from music, abstinence from television, abstinence from games and jokes, can offer abstinence from some juice, from some ice cream from something they like.

"If you do this and offer my Immaculate Heart I will be able to offer to the Most High these little sacrifices, united with prayer to save the world and obtain peace from it".

"Thank you so much for coming here and thank you for putting my requests into practice".

Our Lord (Sacred Heart)

"I the Sacred Heart desire that you pray the Rosary of Mercy daily I will grant great Mercy to the souls who pray it, for every Rosary of Mercy that you pray will be 100 souls from purgatory that will fly to heaven, for every account of the Rosary of Mercy will be a sinner that will be converted, for every Rosary of Mercy that you pray will be a divine punishment that will be canceled"

"Pray the Rosary of the Eucharist also to console my heart so offended in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar".

"I thank you all for obeying my requests"

San José

"I Saint Joseph ask you to pray this brief prayer every day:"

"Most Beloved Heart of St. Joseph, give peace to the world".

"Keep doing my Hour every Sunday, keep praying the Rosary of the Blessed Virgin every day, keep reading the books of the Blessed Mother's life, Mystical City of God, keep reading the book of our messages here, keep putting into practice all our requests, your prayers are going up to heaven and being accepted by the Most High".

"The Virgin Mary came to relieve suffering, all that is happening in Brazil and in the world now can be changed by the power of the Rosary prayer and by the power that our Three Sacred Hearts received from the Most High. Pray! Pray! Pray, without ceasing and with confidence".

(Marcos): "Yes, I will, and I obey. So it will be done, I will do it...Until tomorrow! They are gone."

(Note - Marcos): The Three Sacred Hearts were dressed in purple robes, and looked slightly sad and tender at the same time, but were not crying. They blessed all those present, releasing rays of light from their hands. They also thanked all those present who are living their Messages.



