Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, November 6, 2005

Child, do you know why I asked you to give me your life? Do you know why My Mother asked you to climb the mountain in the first years of the Apparitions and to place My Cross there? It is to show you how much your life should be in accord with mine in everything, including suffering. Just as I went to the top of Calvary, to the Cross, so too must you, to be like Me. Your Cross is humanity's indifference to the Messages you transmit from Our Sacred Hearts; your scourging is the continual attacks of God's enemies on Me and on My Mother; your crown of thorns is the continual misunderstandings even of those around you; your nails are the continual defections you see in the number of those who come here; your Cross is the continual daily suffering that strikes you more and more.
This suffering serves for the salvation of souls, otherwise you will not save even a third of humanity. To my children, I ask you not to be traitorous Judas, but faithful and obedient John. Let them fulfill these Messages, for whoever does not want to fulfill will be judged by My Father's Justice. The punishments arrive and everything continues the same. If there is no penance and conversion, I will let the greatest misfortune fall upon humanity. The Angels already have the whips of pain in their hands, and if they do not listen to Me, I will give them permission to strike the earth with its nations full of luxury, pleasure and evil. These are the last warnings".