Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil


Wednesday, November 9, 2005

Message of Our Lady


(Marcos Report): Today, the Angel Mariel appeared to me. After the greetings, he told me:


"-Marcos, write down all that I will tell you. If the world does not repent of what it has done against the Apparitions of the Mother of God in the city of Heroldsbach, a great punishment will fall upon the whole planet earth. If humanity had not harmed those Apparitions, they would have been known and obeyed. Because the clergy forbade the spreading of those Messages; because they excommunicated the seers and the people faithful to the Mother of God, they will be punished with persecution and desertion of the people. If the clergy had not done all this, Heroldsbach's apparitions and messages would have been known and obeyed by all humanity. The Heart of Jesus, Our Lord, was again pierced by a painful spear, and so He remains until now. You must tell people to make displeasure, to pray many Rosaries to placate the anger of the Lord. Let people pray to neutralize Satan's strength, because he wants to destroy all the Apparitions, all of them! Let all the evil done to Heroldsbach's Apparitions be repaired, otherwise the Eternal Father will strike the world with the whip of punishment".

(Marcos Report): Then he disappeared.



