Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Wednesday, January 4, 2006
Message of Divine Holy Spirit

(Report-Marcos): The Holy Spirit appeared to me as at other times. He looked at me with a tender gaze of deep affection and affection. He asked me to write down everything he was going to say.
Divine Holy Spirit
"-Marcos, son of the earth, write this carefully: the Immaculate Heart of Mary is my joy and eternal dwelling place! Yes, in this Immaculate Heart I have made my dwelling place forever, and therefore whoever wants to meet me and know me must also make his dwelling place in this Heart. This is what I wanted to show you, Marcos, every time you saw that very strong, immense light, coming out of the Immaculate Heart of Mary in the Apparitions and descending into your heart. Yes, that light I am myself united to the holiness of Mary, my dear mystical Spouse. Only in the Immaculate Heart of Mary can men find Me. As long as they continue to fight against this truth and law of My love, they will continue in the darkness and ignorance of Me. Only this Heart can reveal My true face to the world. And when the world knows My true face it will know the truth and it will set it free.
The Immaculate Heart of Mary is My Ark of the Covenant, My Golden Turbot, My Tabernacle of Delightful Light! I am Love, and I want to attract all souls to Me, and for this, I emanate My light to the whole world in the sight, on the face, in the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Make Mary loved and known and you will see how powerfully I will reveal myself through her to souls, even those most obscured by sin. It is through the Immaculate Heart of Mary that I will descend into the world for the second time, and He will never be the same again. And the Immaculate Heart of Mary is the mystical cenacle where the elect will be closed upon whom I shall descend to finally make My Kingdom of grace and light be established on earth. Remain in my love always. Son, keep well these treasures that I give you and make them known to all souls. Stay in peace. Peace, my beloved!"