Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Message of Angel Saint Barani

Marcos, I come to say that the Mother of God wants her sacred face revealed here to be venerated even more by everyone. Therefore, the second Saturday of each month should be dedicated to a particular veneration of this heavenly face. The Mother of God appears to you for so many years and already in the early years she has given you and the world her sacred merciful face as an extraordinary gift from her Immaculate Heart in these last times. Blessed, you must now make all souls see this heavenly face, for the souls who venerate it will feel the desire to love and relieve it through a holy life. In these times of sin and evil, a divine remedy is needed to stem the tide of evil that advances over the world, and this remedy is this face of the Mother of God in whose countenance souls will find their own sweetness, Kindness, Piety, Peace and Mercy from the Most High. This is her favorite award. Forward! Peace, Marcos.