Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Message of Saint Joseph

My children, as I desire prayer and penanceto save the world, I desire more prayer from little children, because their prayers make great miracles of conversion on earth. If there were more little children praying the Rosary of Mary Immaculate, more and more sinners would be converted.
The places of My apparitions are numerous, but who loves Us? who fights for them? Who gives their life for THEM? If it were not for these places of Apparitions and manifestations of the Mother of GOD and Ours on the face of the earth, the Catholic faith would have disappeared long ago.
My children pray! Therefore, pray for all the places of the Apparitions and continue praying all the prayers that We have given you here. Forward! Don't leave your conversion until tomorrow, because it may be late!
Spread the Messages even more ardently! Peace to all!"