Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Friday, September 1, 2006
Message from Angel Muriel

(Report-Marcos) Today, appeared to me the Angel Muriel. He is blond, has blue eyes, and was wearing a light blue tunic. After the initial greetings, he told me:
Angel Muriel
"-Marcos, I am the Angel Muriel. I come to say that the souls who possess the true devotion to St. Joseph are of the number of the predestined, as well as all those who will embrace this devotion explained in these Apparitions of Jacari will be of the number of the predestined, as opposed to the number of the reprobate, who will always be enemies and opponents of St. Joseph and His devotion. Joseph, son of Israel, of the Old Testament, was the one His father loved the most, not only because he was the son of his old age, but because Joseph was good and just. Joseph's brothers hated him because he was so loved by his father and because he was good and just and did not agree with the bad things they did and said. Joseph of the Old Testament is a figure of St. Joseph, the Righteous One and the one most loved by the Heavenly Father, while his brothers are a figure of the reprobate, who hate St. Joseph and all who are His devoted children. These reprobate are nothing more than the descendants of the serpent, the friends of this world, the servants of the devil, while the predestined are the true sons of St. Joseph who embrace true devotion to Him and live in His spirit. Just as Joseph, the son of Israel was his father's favorite, so the true devotees of St. Joseph are not only St. Joseph's favorite, but also the Eternal Father's favorite, who loves them in a very unique way. And just as Joseph, the son of Israel, moved his parents' hearts to love him more and more for his goodness, justice and virtues, so the true devotees of St. Joseph will incline both him and the Eternal Father to love them above all for their personal virtues and justice. And just as Joseph's brothers hated him, so will the reprobate, the children of the rebellious and evil from the beginning, the devil, hate the predestined, the children of St. Joseph forever, and among them there will never be friendship, love or even sympathy. The reprobate will humiliate the children of St. Joseph, despise them, disregard them, set them aside and be considered 'nothing' in the eyes of the world, but these children of the serpent will never be able to triumph over them nor deprive them of the help, love and paternal predilection of St. Joseph, who received them for children. And that is why in the end they will triumph gloriously in Heaven beside St. Joseph while the reprobate will be tormented in the eternal flames forever and ever in the company of evil demons. Happy is the soul that is of the number of these predestined and is entirely of the Heart of St. Joseph, for it will be beloved of the Eternal Father, the Lamb, the Divine Spirit, the Great Mother of God and St. Joseph, and it will deserve to be a child of divine blessing for ever and ever. Marcos, Saint Joseph's favorite, peace. Peace, Marcos".
(Report-Marcos) "Then he blessed me and disappeared."