Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Message of Mary Most Holy

Dear children, I love you all! And that is why I keep coming from HEAVEN constantly to give you MY MESSAGES.
It is MY LOVE that makes you be here in MY presence, to listen today to My Voice!
It's MY LOVE that makes me constantly run after you all with MY MESSAGES, to try to convert you, to transform you into true 'children of light' for greater GLORY of the LORD and MY HEART.
I want FIVE LOVE, I've had enough of the falsehood of human beings! I am already tired of the falsehood of so many who call themselves My children and My devotees. But in their hearts it is not the TRUE LOVE that I see but the love of themselves the love of creatures, the love of the world and of passing things. That is what I see. The love of one's own will, the love of one's own self, the love of evil.
I am exhausted from searching for love in hearts and not finding it. With this I call upon you to open your hearts and begin to create in yourself the TRUE LOVE and to cultivate it. Otherwise I will not be able to enter and live in your souls and in your hearts.
I approach many hearts, but they exhale a horrible odor! Because they are full of attachments to themselves and to creatures and that is why I stay away from them. Try to have in your hearts a pleasant smell of MY LOVE, TRUE LOVE, FIVE LOVE, Loyal and HOLY.
May the swamps of your hearts rotten by the love of the creatures and the love of yourselves, become fragrant gardens full of beautiful and fragrant flowers to please GOD and to please MY HEART.
Hands of all the means that I have given you: THE MEDITATED ROSARY, THE TIME OF PEACE and ALL THE THOUGHTERS, asking, to ask for the Grace of creating in you the TRUE and PERFECT LOVE.
I tell you My children: - Whoever leaves this life without learning and without creating the TRUE LOVE in his heart will NOT enter the KINGDOM OF THE SKY. He will not enter.
Therefore hurry, take seriously the great task of creating in yourselves the TRUE LOVE and make them produce fruits of sanctification, of perfection for the GLORY OF GOD!
I am here to help you in this great task and all those who believe in MY GREAT POWER and are docile not resisting MY ACTION, all of them will achieve the GREAT GRACE of achieving PERFECT LOVE! PEACE".