Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, May 6, 2007
Message of Mary Most Holy

"-Children dearest...All that has been said today in this cenacle, has left my Immaculate Heart, has passed through the heart of my son Marcos, to reach the hearts of all of you!
You have seen all that you have heard today, prayed and meditated. Keep also the dream of Eternal Life in your hearts and in your souls so that the DIVINE LOVE in you can grow always more and give fruits of salvation, fruits of love, fruits of holiness.
I wish you the increase of LOVE!
Behold My children! How the world dies spiritually and is destroyed for lack of LOVE. Because human beings are ungrateful and do not love their GOD and their LOVING MOTHER, the world destroys itself and gives itself to Satan, condemns itself, loses itself.
Behold My children! How much evil and hatred there is in the world, because human beings do not have LOVE. And why don't they have LOVE? Because they do not love GOD, because only HE is the source of LOVE! Human beings cannot have this same LOVE alone, only from GOD they can receive it! To possess it and give it to others! That is why your hearts seek GOD, seek the LOVE of GOD and HE will give it to you!
I am with MY HEART burning with LOVE, eager to grant you MY LOVE. Do not close the door of your hearts to MY LOVE, but rather receive it in you, accept it in you, live with it and try to make it known, try to communicate it to all the other My Children who have not yet known the beauty and sweetness of MY LOVE!
Serve me in truth, stay away from all those who have already lost their faith! Who have apostatized and teach errors in the world!
Seek My Children, always keep you in the light! Always in the truth! Always in pure faith!
I am exhausted from calling humanity to conversion. I have appeared in thousands of cities on earth over the centuries, but only a tiny part of humanity has corresponded to MY LOVE and obeyed My Messages.
Behold My children! Let not the same thing happen here! So I ask you to correspond to MY LOVE. I ask you once again, obey My Messages, for they are for your good!
These Messages are the last for the world, what I have said before I repeat again: After Paris there was the Apparition of La Salette, after La Salette there was Lourdes, after Lourdes Pontmain, Pellevoisin, Fatima and the others until they arrive here, but after this My Apparition here there will be no more.
They are the last for humanity! Therefore My Children, you see that the time of Mercy is at an end, do not waste this chance that THE ALL POWERFUL has offered you, and that if you waste it, if you reject the salvation that HIM now offers you, you will seal your doom forever!
The time of Mercy is now present in the world. But still a sinful soul, let us not recognize this time and seek its conversion by hearing my voice and obeying my messages! It would be better for her not to have come into the world.
Pray, keep drying My Tears with all the prayers I have given you here. Meditate My Messages, read and meditate on My Life, spread My Messages.
I love you very much My children!
Think about how many privileges and graces I have given you here in this place!
Do not be ungrateful My children!
You see that I have given you My Special Blessing!
You see that I have often blotted out the sorrows of your sins, which you should pay in this life with your sufferings and perhaps in purgatory in those burning flames!
You see My children! How many privileges, how many promises I have made to those who pray the ROSARY! Those who pray the TERRY OF THE BLOODS! Who make My HOUR OF PEACE,! Who fulfill My MESSAGES!
More than that I cannot give you...I cannot give you! I have given you everything! In My excessive MISERICORY I have given you too much Grace.
What do you need to be happy?
What do you lack to decide for GOD and for ME? What do you still want?
My children, love GOD with all your heart, love your HEAVEN MOTHER with all your heart! Because she loves you so much My children! She is doing the possible and the impossible in the world for the salvation of all.
See that I have done all I can for you! I have appeared! I cried to blood! I cried! I have spoken! I gave Miraculous Signs to confirm My Messages and to show you that I want your salvation!! That I want your conversion! That I want you all together from ME, close to ME!!!
Why do you stay away, My children?
Why do you still close the Door of your Hearts to Me?
Because you do not yet obey My Messages with perfection as I try!
You see...If anyone has loved you as I have loved you!!
Do you see if anyone has loved you as GOD and I have loved you?
No, that is why little children today immediately! Give your hearts to Me...Give your lives to Me. Consecrate yourselves to MY HEART completely so that I may save you.
PEACE to all.