Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Thursday, June 7, 2007
Corpus Christi
Message from our Lord Jesus Christ

My children, dear children. MY HOLY HEART rejoices over your coming here today. I, My HOLY MOTHER and ST. TARCISIUS who have come with Me bless you now!
My children, sincerely love ME your GOD! Love sincerely My HOLY MOTHER! Love sincerely My FATHER SAINT JOSEPH, My ETERNAL FATHER, GOD, JAVÉ. Love My HOLY SPIRIT, sincerely!
Love one another sincerely as I have loved you.
Convert yourselves and pray for the CONVERSION of the world! For the punishment My children is sure and unfailing for this world! The world is cruel to ME and to MY MOTHER! We give warnings! We give messages! We give so many messages of LOVE, and men pay us back only with ingratitude, with sins, and with offenses!
They don't care about anything! They run frantically after entertainment, pleasure, money, and a comfortable life!
They don't think about the day of their death!
They don't think about the day when they will have to give account to ME for their whole life!
They don't think that their days on earth are numbered! And that from My call at the hour of death, no one can escape!
These men of today! Who frantically run only for what gives them pleasure, without caring about MY LOVE! Without caring about the LOVE of My HOLY MOTHER! Without caring about the salvation of their own souls! These men will have the punishment that will be most terrible!
But before that, I will give a sign to the world, it will last three days and three nights, everyone will see it, no one will be able to explain it! And everyone will see that it comes from ME. Some will even turn back! They will reconsider! They will repent! And still they will return to ME.
But most, even if they see that sign for a few moments, soon after, will again turn their eyes to the pleasures, the entertainment, and the easy, comfortable life around them, and will soon give themselves over to the same old things.
This is why the punishment will come! It will also come because many will see that sign and say:- I don't want it! I don't accept you! I don't want to love you!!!
So it will be ME who will send the punishment! I will send the punishment, because this world has reached such a level of cruelty towards ME and MY MOTHER! It has reached such a level of ingratitude towards ME and MY MOTHER that I can no longer tolerate it! Therefore, the punishment can no longer be cancelled. It can be eased for you, more or less according to your prayers.
So pray a lot. If My MERCY is great, My JUSTICE is not less. And I will have to come to cleanse this soggy, stained earth of crimes and sins! My creation has been deformed and is completely disfigured!
I will bring it back to its original beauty...And I will bring it back purifying it, with fire and with columns of smoke! I will come in a terrible fire! And when those who would not heed My Calls, and heed My Listens, will see Me! Coming in terrible fire, in rolls of smoke, lightning and thunder!!!! They will wish they had not been born.
I TELL YOU! I TELL YOU:- "That it would have been better for them if they had not been born. It would have been better for them to die in their mother's womb, than to come into this world and not hear My Voice! Not to love My Voice! And not to obey My Warnings and the Warnings of My MOTHER!
Be strong My children! You still have many souls to save!
Pray, work without ceasing, for the spreading of Our Messages! And fear nothing! Fear nothing at all! Because whatever happens, I and My HOLY MOTHER will always be with you! Even if men do injustices to you, WE will remain at your side because you are right! You prefer to obey the Messages that I give you, that my MOTHER gives you, that my ANGELS and my Saints give you!
You work for the good! For conversion! For the salvation of souls! You work to accomplish My will on earth! You are My seed! You are My chosen race! You are the people of My family, My kindred! So little children We will be with you always! Always!!! Always!
Be our valiant heralds! Be our instruments of conversion and salvation, bringing Our Holy Messages to all our children. Always have before your eyes all the Messages that WE give you. Meditate on them frequently and constantly, so that your eyes never lose their light, and so that you never sink into darkness!
Always keep My Will before you. Flee from evil, flee from those who want to take you away from Me, and we will triumph over evil and sin! Always seek My advice in the Messages, in Prayer and in Meditation. I will inspire you! You will be inspired by Me! Always seek the advice of My Servants, Saints who possess virtues! Always seek advice from virtuous men! So that wisdom may always be in you!
Who are the virtuous men?
They are the ones who possess the SEE OF WISDOM, living and reigning in them, that is; My HOLY MOTHER. Those who possess her, living and reigning in them, those who obey the Messages of the SEE OF WISDOM, those who fulfill the will of the THRONE OF WISDOM! These are the virtuous men! In them, WISDOM rests. And WISDOM will rest in you all, if in you all, the SEE OF WISDOM that is MY HOLY MOTHER also LIVE AND REIGN.
Praise and bless GOD! For He has placed you here in this apparition. Where I, MY HOLY MOTHER and MY Saints and ANGELS give you so many blessings, so many treasures, so many spiritual lights!
Praise, Bless GOD! Because the KING of Heaven and Earth, the QUEEN of Heaven and Earth! The Rulers of Heaven and Earth! Have left their THRONES of GLORY and bowed down with Benevolence, Mercy and Indulgence to you!
Praise and Bless GOD! Because you, though miserable, though weak, and though completely impoverished by your sins! You have been treated with Benevolence, with Mercy and Clemency by OUR HOLY HEARTS!
Yes, you had nothing to attract Our gaze! You had nothing to attract Our gaze of MISERICITY and LOVE! You had only miseries! Sins! Defects! Blasphemy! You truly had only spiritual indigence! But still OUR HEARTS came down to you. They cleansed you! They washed you! They gave you a new garment! Ring of Grace on your finger! Our HEARTS have prepared for you beautiful feasts and bountiful banquets filled with Blessings, Graces, and Gifts of OUR LOVE and of every Good Fortune! And you were the ones invited to sit at the table to dine WITH US!
Yes! All this you have received here! Praise and Bless GOD for it!
Glorify the NAME OF GOD! THE ETERNAL! The One Who Reigns! Who Rules and Judges for ever and ever! Praise and Bless Him! Because HE was so good to you. For you HE was not a master, HE was a most loving FATHER! HE was a most Faithful Friend! He was a Confidant, Faithful and Loyal! He was always the inseparable friend!
Praise and bless GOD! Who here in this place for you and in you has revealed so many wonders.
Peace my children.
Continue to pray all the Prayers WE have given you here! Continue to dry Our Tears of Blood with them. Continue to spread Our Messages, for at least a third of humanity must be saved. There is not yet a third of humanity praying and fulfilling the Messages! So, fight My children! Fight! I will fight with you! We in Heaven will fight for you! Your cause is Ours and Ours is yours. So we will fight together! We will suffer together! And together we will triumph!
PEACE to all! PEACE dear children!"