Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, July 8, 2007
Message of Mary Most Holy

Dearly beloved children, I AM THE MOTHER OF GOD THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTATION. THE LADY OF PAIN. OF GRACE AND PEACE. My Immaculate Heart wants to give peace to the world, but it cannot because the world does not want to be converted. Because the world does not want to obey My Messages. it does not want to do what I say.
Without obeying My Messages I cannot give Peace to the world. I cannot save the world from the punishments that have already happened and that will intensify even more until the last one comes. that will purify the world with fire for three days and three nights of darkness.
My Immaculate Heart is all pain and is drowned in a sea of pain because the world does not want to obey My Messages. it does not want to hear My calls. it does not care about My warnings for anything. I have traveled all over the world and have communicated My Messages through My seers spread all over the world, but humanity has done little with My Messages. it has done little with My Apparitions. it has done little with My Tears even of blood.
Men remain in the most inhuman and cruel incredulity. they do not think about the day of their death. they do not think that one day they will have to leave this world and give an account to God of all their life.
They do not fear hell. they do not fear sin. they do not fear the evil that they have already committed and that they commit daily. They do not think about their souls.
Those who do not care for their souls. who do not seek to be holy. who do not seek to obey My Messages. who do not seek to live in the grace of God. who do not love God. nor Me. nor the world. who make each day more sinful and worse and do not love themselves because if they loved themselves, if they loved their own souls they would take care of saving them from the fire of hell that is terrible.
They do not fear for the fate of their souls. they surrender themselves to all kinds of evil. they have no pity for their own souls that they will cast into hell by their own hands, for their own sins.
How crazy are human beings. How foolish are human beings. How foolish are human beings.
The devil offers them the attachments, the illusions of this life, the glories, the goods, the pleasures of this world like a thief offers a dog a piece of meat and human beings. ALL fools fall into the devil's traps and then later fall into hell.
They do not understand that it is the devil who is behind all that seduces them into this world, and that the devil's intention is to enslave them in the things of this world, and then to introduce them into the fire of hell, and yet to mock them for all eternity. torment them for all eternity. how can men exchange the love of God so sweet. so gentle for a cruel master as is Lucifer? How can men despise the love of God so tender and gentle to be treated so by a boss as cruel as the devil? May men wake up!!! May men be converted so that they can have the true life that only God can have and live.
I am calling men for the last time through My apparition here. After this Apparition I will never return anywhere in this world. So these are my last calls. These are my last warnings to you! Repent, for I say to you, My children, just as God will send a sign to the whole world that will last three days and three nights, so God will also send a punishment that will last three days and three nights because human beings, even after the warning and even after the sign, will not want to be converted.
They will not want to love God. They will not want to love Me!
I tell you, some who sin not out of evil, but out of ignorance because they have never had anyone to tell them about God and His Mother in heaven, they will still be converted into the last sign. but. those who have always known everything all the time. those who have always known my messages. those who have always known the TRUTH that they knew the truth all the time and did not want to pay attention. those, will already be with the Heart so hardened that they will not be able to convert anymore.
So I tell you: time is now! CONVERT WITHOUT DELAY!!! This is my warning!
Keep praying all the prayers I have given you here! Pray for love and not for fear of punishment! Pray for love and not for interest of grace! Pray for love and not so much for fear of hell!
Fear to hurt God. Fear yes to offend God. Fear, yes, to hurt my heart. Fear to bring down tears from my eyes. That you may fear.
But pray only for love. Only to please God. Only to please Me and for the conversion of all sinners as I so desire. Peace to you Marcos! Now my most beloved children, Filomena and Alano will speak to you. Listen. Learn. Rejubila."
"-Marcos. I am FILOMENA. servant of God. of Mary Most Holy. your sister. sister, protector and defender of all who are here. I protect all those who truly consecrate themselves to Mary Most Holy. I am the protector of all those who consecrate themselves to her who love her. who serve her. who obey her. who give their whole life to her.
There is no greater gift than to offer one's entire life for love of God and Mary, consecrating oneself totally to them. The greatest sacrifice that God wants to receive from you, beyond prayers and sacrifices, is the TOTAL consecration of your lives: body and soul totally at the service of God and Mary Most Holy.
For those who consecrate themselves thus to God and to Her, there is no loneliness, no sadness, no suffering, no pain that can separate the soul from God and the Mother of God.
For the soul that consecrates herself, that gives herself totally to God, nothing is impossible, nothing is difficult to do because love conquers everything. love endures will always win!
I am your model. I am a light that God gives you to guide you on the path of holiness.
The FIRST STEP TO HOLIDAY is to renounce your earthly pleasures and attachments. Without this, God does not accept you, nor does Mary Most Holy. IN THE SECOND PLACE, pray the HOLY ROSARY and the PRAYERS THAT THE MOTHER OF GOD HAS GIVEN YOU HERE ALL DAYS, because without these prayers no one can keep their renunciation of earthly things for a long time.THIRD, meditate the Messages, the word of God day and night, because if your hearts are not nourished with the heavenly Word they will soon become weak and fall into sin. FOURTH, to remain firmly united to Mary, renewing the act of total consecration to her every day and entrusting yourself to the protection and love of the Blessed Virgin.FOURTH, to do violence to oneself, that is, not to give to human nature itself anything that it wants. nothing that it asks for. If she asks for rest (idleness), not to give her. If she asks for something material (consumerism), not to give her. If she asks for some physical pleasure, do not give her. If she asks for some glory, some human praise, do not give her. Run away from glories! Run away from human praise! Flee from adulation! Flee from the chants! Flee from all that excites vanity! If the body asks for vain care to increase beauty, to increase one's own beauty, do not give it this taste. Even in spiritual things if human nature asks you to do something, to pray, to exercise piety, a different work from those that the Blessed Virgin has sent you, not to satisfy the will! Obey. mortify your own will. repress the contrary desires of human nature. Then the other steps will be easy to take. Love of sacrifice, love of humiliation, love in life's tribulations, patience, conformity to God's holy will . all of this will be easy for the person who is able to fulfill these first steps.
If all this is done, your souls will advance rapidly on the path of holiness. If you do this, your souls will fly fast like little birds in the sky of holiness. If you do that, your souls will run faster than hares on the road to perfection. And you will be pleasing to God, you will be loved by God, you will be WE ARE in God's eyes.
I will be with you to help you. I will be with you to accompany you. I will be with you to bless you always, I will be with you to lift you up whenever you stumble, I will be with you whenever you call upon Me.
Peace. Peace to you Marcos. I love you! I defend you! I take care of you, of this Shrine, of all the pilgrims who come here. Call me in your daily work. Call Me in your daily difficulties. and I will help you with My powerful intercession. Peace to you!"
"-Marcos, I am ALANO DE LA ROCHA, servant of the Mother of God and of the Most High Lord.
I love you, I love all who are here and this place. I give you my peace. I give you my blessing today.
I have received from the Mother of God through many APPARITIONS like you, the mission to spread the Holy Rosary. To make it loved, loved by all human beings. I will help you in the hard task of making the meditated Rosaries reach every corner of this country and the world. I will help you to make the Holy Rosary more loved by human beings than life itself.
With the Holy Rosary I have reached Heaven! With the Holy Rosary I have overcome all the temptations, trials and tribulations of my life. With the Holy Rosary I conquered all My spiritual and temporal enemies. With the Holy Rosary I achieved even those graces that were impossible for Me. With the Holy Rosary I achieved the conversion and salvation of many souls. With the Holy Rosary I achieved much more than if I had preached and performed the greatest miracles in the world, in the history of all nations.
With the prayer of the Holy Rosary I managed to cast out many demons from many people. With the prayer of the Holy Rosary, I was able to convert sinners who looked like more demons than human beings. Yes, with the prayer of the Holy Rosary, I achieved everything. and with it, with the Rosary, you can achieve everything, everyone can achieve conversion. salvation. everyone can achieve sanctification. Everyone can achieve the perfect love that God and Mary most holy expect and desire from you all. I protect all those who pray and spread the Holy Rosary and fill their lives with so many graces that they practically swim in so many graces from God.
Come all here. singing and praying in procession. Often come here, because here is the refuge prepared for the Mother of God so that your souls may meet her in silence, retreat and prayer. Come here, because here the Mother of God has graces to grant you that she will not give you anywhere else!
Come here because here you will find her alive with our Lord and Saint Joseph, merciful and pious to you, twenty-four hours a day. Come here, for here I say to you: you will ascend easily to Heaven, here you will learn what pleases the Lord. Here you will learn what pleases the Mother of God, and then you will be beautiful, beautiful and pleasing to them. May there be no lies in your mouth! May there be no slander in your mouth! May there be no evil in your mouth! In your hearts and in your souls, may there be only goodness and justice!
Do not steal anything from anyone, do not deceive anyone, do not lie to anyone, do no harm to anyone, do no harm to anyone, do not take away the goods of your neighbor, respect the goods, life and everything that is of your neighbor as if it were your own. Have holy counsel with all. Love Christ for all. Be good to those who want to be converted. But be firm, inflexible and energetic against those who betray the truth, against those who attack the truth. Defend the truth. Defend the Messages! Defend God and Mary Most Holy with all the strength of your love, of your hearts. Do not give in to anyone. Defend the truth courageously and always. Always be punctual with your duties. Always be punctual with your prayers. Always be punctual in obedience to the messages of the Mother of God. WORK! WORK!!! Work for the Messages of the Mother of God and for her wishes to be fulfilled. You will have all eternity to rest. Now is the time to fight to save many souls, to lead many of them back to the fold of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Now is the time to be TRUE Saints, so that all may then see the holiness of God of Mary Most Holy and glorify them.
I am with you. I bless you and give you my peace".