Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil


Sunday, August 5, 2007

Anniversary of the Birth of Mary Most Holy

Message of Mary Most Holy


(Seer Marcos Tadeu Teixeira presented to the Blessed Virgin the film he produced at her request about the Apparitions at La Salette and this caused great joy and consolation to the Heart of the Blessed Virgin).

"-Dearest children, I am the Mother of God. Your Mother. Mother of my Divine Son Jesus Christ.

Today, the day you celebrate My Birth more Beautiful than the moon. more Brilliant than the sun. more radiant than the stars. more Beautiful than the flowers, I come to bless you once again and to give you My Peace.

I now give you my SPECIAL BENEFIT that will remain with you and will give you all the graces necessary for your salvation until the end of your lives.


The Mother of Beautiful Love was I called in my Immaculate Conception. in my Birth. in my Presentation in the Temple. in my Assumption and in all the moments of my Life.

To Beautiful Love, I also come to invite you today.

I want you to have in you holy, perfect, pure, beautiful and pleasing love for God.

You must love God purely because God is infinite Goodness and deserves and must be loved by all His creatures.

You must say it in your hearts every day:

" -Lord. even if there were no Heaven, I would love You and serve You!

. and even if there were no hell, I would fear you*!!" (*corrected on September 24, 2007, it was written: "I would want to").

You must seek God, for God's sake and not for yourselves, for the benefits you can receive by seeking God.

You must seek the Lord by seeking to please Him, to love Him, to serve Him, and to glorify Him and not to glorify yourselves, to please yourselves, to be content and to benefit yourselves.

The true religion . The true PURE Catholic Faith is this: THAT HAS HELPED THE SOUL TO SEARCH GOD FOR HIM, AND NOT FOR HIM!

When you are able to seek God for God yourself and not for you, because of you, for the benefits you can gain, then you will be closer to knowing God's love. To know the wonders of God, to know a little, a spark of the greatness of God's holiness.

For your hearts to reach this great grace, you must pray a lot. You must renounce yourselves. You must renounce your earthly attachments so that then, FREE of all earthly affection, you may have your hearts cleaner, more purified so that then you may seek God with pure intentions so that the Lord does not flee from you. Do not move away from you and do not resist you, but rather, so that He may come to you, come near you and make Himself known to you.

God only makes himself known to those hearts that seek him with right intentions, with pure intentions.

Those who seek Him with good intentions seeking His benefit and personal satisfaction, to these, God does not reveal Himself. God withdraws from them, God hides from them and does not give himself to reveal himself to them, he does not communicate himself to these kinds of souls, so you must seek God with pure intentions. You must die to yourselves at all times. You must MORTIFY your personal will, your corrupted self that stains, tarnishes, misrepresents and corrupts even your best intentions, your best actions and even your prayers.

You must renounce this corrupt "I" that is within you and that at all times, distorts your intention in your relationship with the Lord.

I want you to relate to God, I want you to relate to me with holy, pure and correct intentions.

You must seek My Appearances and My Messages here, not for the benefits that you can gain but for Me. To please Me by obeying My Messages. To glorify Me by showing the world the fruit of My Messages. To comfort Me by obeying My Messages and thus giving Me your pure and faithful love.

You must seek Me and not you! In the prayer of the Holy Rosary, you must seek my joy, my contentment, my satisfaction, my glorification and not your benefit your satisfaction and your pleasure. No! You must seek ONLY to give love for love.

How few souls give to the Lord and to Me love for love! We offer all Our love to the world! We offer all the means of salvation! ...

I came into the world and went through a life full of pain to help in your redemption. From the day I was born until the day I ascended to Heaven in body and soul, when I was assaulted, I have never been without pain. I have never been without tears. All for your salvation. All for your good and your happiness in Heaven.

The Lord has given you everything!!! He sent His own Son into the world to live a life of poverty. Of suffering. Of pain. Of humiliation so that by His sacrifice you could all be redeemed. The gates of Heaven were opened and you could enter Heaven again.

Then, of so much love that we have given you, as there are still few souls who give pure and total love to correspond to Our so great love.

At least you should be the number of those souls who give love for love. At least you are the number of those souls who correspond to Our so great and immense love with pure, unselfish and detached love of themselves and their own "I".

You must pray more, you must pray asking for this grace, this grace of forgetting yourself from dying to yourself so that then, your hearts more purified, more pure and more sincere seek Me and seek the LORD with the purest, highest, most perfect and most beautiful love!

Marcos. I will reveal another great thing to you!

On the day of my birth, when I was raised to Heaven before the Most Holy Trinity, the Trinity made me a great distinction, although at that moment the veil of mystery covered up many things to my understanding, reserving them for the appropriate moment. But on that occasion the Most Holy Trinity brought all created beings into my presence. All the Angels, all men, animals at last, all God's creatures! All of them were presented to me. To all I knew, and the Lord, before Me, declared to ALL that I was His Queen, that I was His Lady, His Sovereign and His Empress! And that, therefore, all creatures owed Me obedience, love, reverence, respect, submission, service, veneration, and gratitude.

The Holy Trinity declared to all, to all creatures, that I was their Predilect, their Most Beloved, their Most Dearest, their Faithful Daughter, Spouse and Mother, and that I should therefore, as Mother of the Word, be loved, known and respected by all creatures!

I humbled myself in the presence of the Most Holy Trinity, telling me the smallest and most vile of His servants. But the Trinity commanded all beings, all creatures that from now on would always serve Me, always regaling Me with their beauty, their perfection, and their own characteristics, filling Me with joy and enchantment, and I in turn, gave the Most Holy Trinity My thanks and praise for having distinguished Me with such undeserved favor by blessing Her for all Her works, for all Her creatures, and for all Her perfection so reflected in Her creation.

The Holy Trinity then declared Me Queen of the Universe and gave Me for inheritance and possession of all the Nations, races and languages of the Earth. Therefore, My Heart will Triumph!

Since my Immaculate Conception and my Nativity I have won!!! I am the Queen of the Universe!!! I have already been decreed Queen of the Universe. And nothing and no one will be able to deprive Me of this Augustinian dignity and of this sublime condition to which I have been elevated and in which the Holy Trinity has placed Me. Therefore, I will ALWAYS TRIUMPH ON THE EVIL, ALWAYS!!!

Even when it hardly seems to triumph over Me. Oh no! I know the way to overcome evil! I know how evil acts! I know what it intends! I know his way.

So I also know how to beat him, I know how to limit him, I know how to crush his pride, I know how to triumph over him. With power and glory!

Therefore, have absolute confidence in Me, that my Immaculate Heart has already fixed the moment of His Triumph! And nothing, nothing can change this sentence! Nothing can change the victory to which My Immaculate Heart has been predestined since before all the centuries!

Pray to Me and work only for Me. Spread My Messages. You do not need to draw the sword, you must use the tools I have given you, you must fight with the weapons of prayer, penance, sacrifice, the continuous work of spreading My Messages, in defense of truth, love, grace, purity of charity, faith and love.

With these weapons My children, I will lead My army to victory, Peace will triumph over discord and hatred.

Love and good will triumph over the darkness of evil. Then the whole universe will know the glory, the power that has bestowed upon Me the Most Holy Trinity. Power and glory that today shine in all creation, in all the universe at the birth of your Mother Child, your Queen Child, the Princess of God, Immaculate and without conceived sin.




