Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Message of Saint Anne (Mother of Mary Most Holy)

Very dear children. I, ANA. I come today with my daughter MARIA and also with SANTA FLÁVIA DOMITILA.
I come to give you my blessing and to tell you: - Great is the Love of GOD, who chose you and called you! Great is the Love of GOD, who has offered you so many treasures and so many Mercies! Great is the Love of GOD, who is pleased to call you to His friendship and union with Him.
I bless you all now, with my Daughter and Saint Flavia. (pause)
Very dear children. GOD in his infinite goodness created the human being, so that he would be happy forever! That he might be a participant in the happiness of GOD himself.
GOD was already infinitely happy in Himself, and He did not need anything else to be happy, for He was already fully happy! Why then did He create the human being? He created the human being by an infinite act of his great and liberal LOVE. He created the human being, so that the human being could be a participant of his immense happiness. And GOD created the earthly paradise, created the world to place man in it, so that man could know his GOD, love his GOD and live eternally happy with his GOD, free from all sadness and shadow of sin.
When the creature knows that GOD created him out of nothing, out of pure love and not out of necessity or use. When the creature understands that GOD made the human being from nothing, out of pure goodness, to communicate His happiness, to communicate His joy and the fullness of His Love; then the creature recognizes and feels debtor of his GOD! He brought her out of nothingness, called her into existence and placed her in the world out of pure love! The creature then feels this desire to love his GOD and creator, to correspond to his love; then he loves and serves him!
The creature was made to love his Creator, not to love the creatures and himself in the place of his Creator! Herein lies the sin of the world: to put creatures and even oneself in the place of their creator and to love oneself in his place.
The Lord created you out of pure goodness, He had no need of you, but in His infinite goodness He created you; that you might know Him, and knowing Him love Him and be participants in His eternal and infinite happiness. This is what GOD created you for! To be eternally happy in participating in his infinite happiness. That is why you can and must say as Saint Agnes said: "Another loved me first, GOD, that is why it is right; may I give him, consecrate him and offer him all the affections of my heart and not to creatures".
Yes! Another loved you first GOD our Lord, He loved you first and in this His great love He called all of you to know Him, to love Him and to receive His Peace, His Happiness and Salvation. So little children, do not disappoint the Lord! Do not defraud the Lord, who was so kind to you!
Do not frustrate the plans of GOD about you. By a selfish, cold and closed refusal in yourselves! But on the contrary, be generous! Renounce everything that has hindered your souls to this day from giving themselves completely to GOD and loving GOD with all the strength you are capable of!
Renounce everything that until today has disguised itself as GOD to occupy the throne of your hearts!
Renounce all that you yourselves, deluded, blinded and seduced by your own will, have put in GOD's place, in the throne of your hearts and what you have served until today and what you have dedicated all your life and strength to.
Renounce all this! And again return to the Lord. Return to the living GOD! To the Holy GOD! To the True GOD! To the Real GOD, who calls you to be not his servants, but his children! His beloved children, that is, to be participants of his eternal heritage, of his eternal happiness! GOD has called you to be members of his family, of his home. Do not disappoint the LORD! Do not despise the LORD because of the trifles, the dust and the ashes of this passing world!
How many have despised the LORD because of the creatures of this world who perish! And so they perished along with them! Don't be afraid of the number of these foolish little children! Thirst for the number of the wise! Who look upon the creatures of this world as transitory, as fleeting, as mere creatures! And then they look up to Heaven and see in Him the true GOD, the eternal, living, immortal GOD for the love of which you have all been created and called to life!
I, Anne. I love you all and will help you to overcome your attachment to yourselves and to creatures, so that then truly free of spirit, you may love and serve GOD as He is to be loved and served.
See My children, that when you were still enemies of GOD. GOD loved you and gave his life for you on the Cross! Jesus loved you even when you were under the bondage of the devil, of original sin! Before you were even reconciled to GOD! And yet He and Mary, my daughter, loved you. They accepted to suffer for you! They accepted a whole life, they embraced a whole life! Of sufferings, works without any pleasure, of no kind! To carry for you a hard and rough cross, for your redemption and your salvation!
Then I ask you, My children: Do not these Hearts that have loved you so much deserve your love? Do they not deserve that you give all your life to them, with all your strength and with all your consecration?
I will help you. To rise more and more in perfect Love, in perfect and total dedication to these Hearts that love you so much! To God our Lord who loves you so much!
Consider the immense love that GOD has for you, making these Apparitions happen here in this city! Passing on to you beautiful Messages, Messages filled with love, peace, wisdom, divine knowledge, truth and salvation!
My children, you have been contemplated with such great goodness, with such great love and election of the Lord!
Correspond, therefore, to such love by striving to the utmost! Doing your best to obey these messages! To be true apostles, true instruments of this Love that chose you, that called you, that brought you here and keeps you in its grace and friendship!
I will always be with you! At all times. In your spiritual difficulties and even in the temporal! Call to Me! And I will come faster than the wind. I will help you, comfort you, give you strength and guide you on the right path. And with my help you will overcome all trials and difficulties and you will certainly achieve that victory; which is the victory of love, of love that never tires of loving GOD! Who never tires of serving Him, who never tires of praising Him, of blessing Him, of seeking Him and being with Him.
To all I give Peace, stay in My Peace My beloved children! Peace to you Marcos, my beloved son. I give you a particular blessing".
"Marcos, I Flavia Domitila, I come here today once again with the Mother of GOD, with Saint ANA to say: Only GOD is, only GOD will be!
Therefore, every man must serve Him, love Him and adore Him with all the strength of his heart! The path of virtue, the path of holiness is arduous, difficult and stony. But with our help, with the help of the saints of the LORD the soul passes over the stones, the soul safely reaches the end of the path and is crowned with the crown of eternal life.
In my life I have known many sufferings for my faith and faithfulness to the Lord. But at no time did I become discouraged, at no time did I look at the creatures for an instant and I never had, I gave in to the temptation to exchange the love of my Lord for the ephemeral and passing love of the creatures. The same love I want you to have and I want to infuse in you! I want to lead you every day along the road of this perfect Love; who knows how to renounce himself! Who knows how to give Himself to the Beloved, to GOD and to Mary Most Holy! Who seeks neither material nor spiritual benefit in exchange for love and service! I want to lead you to this love that only wants to give love and receive the love of its Lord. Love for Love this was and always will be the love of the true saints. It is this love that you must have in you, that you must put in your hearts! That you must live, practice and teach others!
Oh! As the Sacred Hearts rejoice to see that here this true love is taught, is propagated and that the errors of false devotion, false love, false faith are fought!
How glad they are to see that here true love for the LORD and the Mother of GOD is taught! It is preached! It is spread with energy, with courage, with strength and constancy! This love is to be taught to everyone! This love must be spread to everyone! So that the sickness of false love, false devotion is finally wiped off the face of the earth and the world truly seeks and loves GOD and the MOTHER of GOD in spirit, in truth and in life.
Marcos, I am here and I bless you constantly every day! I also bless those who love these Messages more than anything, and renounce everything for love of them. I bless all those who truly come here seeking GOD and the MOTHER of GOD with pure love, with the desire for pure love! With the right intention of knowing them, loving them and pleasing them always more and better.
I am the defender of all these souls of good will!
I am the defender and protector of all who come here with true thirst, with true hunger to love GOD and the MOTHER of GOD with pure, perfect, unselfish, holy and faithful love.
May they turn to me and receive great favors, both for body and soul.
I will be more pleased to grant spiritual graces for the sanctification of all! But My desire to help them is so great that these graces have overflowed even in temporal affairs!
May they ask for My protection!
May they beg of me with many novenas and prayers! And the graces I will obtain for these my devotees. For I enjoy great favor with the Most Sacred Hearts United.
May the soul pray to any of Us, to any of the Saints who have come here, and to those who are in Heaven with the right intention of pleasing GOD and reaching the grace of Perfect Love; of reaching the grace of holiness; you can be sure that you will reach all those graces! And even temporal matters that are related to these spiritual graces, that is, the service of GOD, the sanctification of the soul and the salvation of the world, even these graces will be granted!
I, Flavia, bless you Marcos. And I bless you copiously. I bless all who have come here today to pray with you sincerely and to hear and know the will of the LORD and the LORD Mother of GOD. Peace!"
Message of Mary Most Holy
"Dear children, my Immaculate Heart blesses you and again repeats my song of Love. Pray! Pray! Pray! Renounce! Renounce!
Renounce everything that holds and takes your Hearts away from GOD our Lord and from my Love. Be holy! Walk in grace! Walk in holiness! Walk in love! In goodness! In virtue! In purity! Walk in obedience to GOD's will! In obedience to My Messages! So that then the Most Holy Trinity may reflect on you as in a clear mirror. Just as the ray of the sun reflects its brightest rays in the mirror. And if it is then reflected in the objects, so be you. Be very pure and very clear mirrors! Where GOD projects his light, to then be reflected in everything around you. So that all darkness, every shadow of evil and sin, may be dispelled. And then the good, the light of GOD's Love triumphs in this world!
Keep praying all the prayers I have given you here, and dry my tears with them! Through these prayers I will form great Latter-day Saints! Through these prayers I will feed My children, as the dove does her lovebirds. I will give them the food that comes down from heaven. I will feed them with the fruits of honey and they will grow with the strength of that food, they will become strong and unshaken in their faith and in their faithfulness to GOD, to my Heart!
Through the Holy Rosary I will save the world. It is because of these Meditated Rosaries that My son Marcos makes and gives to you, that the world still survives! Otherwise a great punishment would have put an end to the human race throughout these years.
Pray them! Divulge them! Spread them all over the world, so that all may repent, be converted and return to the LORD as soon as possible!
I am the Mother of Beautiful Love, Beautiful Love is my son JESUS himself! I want the Beautiful Love to come and live in you! If you are giving yourself to Me, if you do exactly what I command you! My son and I will come to you! The Beautiful Love and her Mother will dwell and live in you. We will unite with you and be one in Love. Then all of you will be beautiful before GOD, because the Beautiful Love itself and the Mother of Beautiful and Beautiful Love will live in you, will reign in you and then the ETERNAL FATHER will be pleased to finally see His will fulfilled in you, that is; that the Beautiful Love and the Mother of Beautiful Love reign without rival or competitor in you! And then He will be pleased and rejoice that His work has been successful.
Obey what I command you My Children and you will be happy! Those who go by Me have never sinned, never will! Those who allow themselves to be led and guided by Me, love Eternal Life and certainly come to it!
Those who do not love Me, those who do not want Me, love eternal death and it will surely reap it.
That is why little children. Come for Me! Come for Me! Come to Me by the way of holiness to meet the Lord, who will return to you soon. With Love, through Love and in Love.
To all I give My Peace, My Blessing. Peace to you Marcos My dear angel. Peace!"