Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Message of Mary Most Holy

" - Dear children, with prayer you will achieve holiness for yourselves and for the rest of the world. With prayer you will be able to detach yourselves from all that still holds your hearts in the vile and passing things of this world. With prayer, you will be able to reach those virtues that will make you pleasing to God, lords of yourselves, that is to say, you will be able to dominate your inclinations, your own will and your disordered desires and thus triumph over the devil, the world and the flesh.
With the prayer of the Rosary, with reading, meditation and perfect obedience to My Messages you will succeed in triumphing over everything and everyone.
Know that your interior freedom must be full and total in order to advance without anything that slows you down on the path to perfection. Therefore, you must be free from scruples, you must be free from exaggerated affliction in view of your sins and miseries; you must be free from the exaggerated attachment that you may have even to spiritual practices so that then nothing may stop you and the Lord may move you from one side to another and dispose of you as He wills.
You must be fervent, you must be good, you must be ready and obedient, you must know how to triumph over the devil and over yourselves by resisting them with the virtues opposed to your defects and temptations. You must be always and increasingly ready to hear My voice and to carry out My will without delay, without reply and without contestation. In this way the devil will not be able to stop you, paralyze you, or embarrass you at all, because free as eagles you will fly swiftly to the top of the mountain of holiness and there you will make your nest.
To all of you today, I bless you with the blessings of my Immaculate Heart".