Final Preparations
Important Appeal from God The Father to All!
Before I unleash My Arm with ALL Its Force, AGAINST Planet Earth, I want to INVITE EVERY PERSON to follow My Indications and My Instructions that I will give in this Message because I want EVERY PERSON, to be SAVED and to come to Return to My House from where he/she came, from where he/she left and from where he/she is. (Continue...)
Red Alert
The END of our Freedom, of our Existence
The New World Order that serves my adversary has already begun to dominate the world,
its agenda of tyranny began with the plan of
vaccines and vaccination against the existing pandemic;
these vaccines are not the solution, but the beginning of the holocaust that
will lead to death, transhumanism and implantation of the mark of the beast,
to millions of human beings.
Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Friday, September 7, 2007
Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ and Mary Most Holy and Saint Joseph

Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ
Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ
" - Dear children, my Sacred Heart comes to you again today to give you my Peace.
The peace that I can give you, the world cannot give.
Know that the world will only have Peace when it walks and treads the path of holiness. As long as the world walks the path of sin. of disobedience to Our Messages and evil, it will reap only violence. it will reap disunity. it will reap only evil. it will reap pain and suffering.
As long as the world remains deaf to the voice of Our Messages, it will never have Peace.
The lack of peace, violence and discord are the punishments of deafness and the people's disobedience to Our Messages.
Be converted. Obey Our Messages and you will have Peace. Lasting Peace. Peace that does not know the sunset!
Know that true happiness lies in detachment from everything and not in possessing everything.
The more you have, the more dissatisfied you are. The more he accumulates, the more arid. the colder. and dissatisfied he becomes!
Only when the human being understands that in detachment from passing things and in the search for celestial things lies true Peace and finds perpetual Peace of the heart; only then will the world have Peace because then the human heart will rest in Me, rest in Me, rest in My Sacred Heart.
I want your hearts to turn to Me and open completely to My love. For this, renounce all that embarrasses your hearts and prevents them from being completely Mine for all eternity.
I am jealous little children and I don't like to share you with transitory things. I want you only for Myself. I have come to earth and have given myself . I gave myself totally to you for love. Therefore, it is only fair that I also want you to give yourself to Me totally for love without conditions. and without any other rival in you.
Continue to say all the prayers we have given you here. Your prayers have saved many souls. By your prayers, chants, and meditations here today, we will take with us to Heaven fifty thousand souls from purgatory and convert another eighty thousand on Earth.
Prayer can save many souls. Your prayers can help many souls to know my love and thus save themselves.
Continue, therefore, to pray, for prayer is the most powerful thing I have left in the world. The Holy Rosary is the most powerful thing that I, my Mother and Father Saint Joseph left you on earth. With the Rosary you will be saved. With the Rosary you will save many souls, with the Rosary you will save the nations. Peace be with you My children".
Message of Mary Most Holy
" - Very dear children. I am your Mother. I am your mediator. I am your lawyer. Co-redemptrix. I am the one who comes down from heaven every day to defend you, to fight for you, to give you strength, to show that you are never alone.
I am your Mother and as such I defend you with all vehemence from my love.
As the lioness defends her little lions with all her strength, so I defend you little children! I keep the demons away from you with their evil thoughts. their temptations.
Book you from many accidents that they want to cause you, book you from many illnesses even physical that they want to inflict on you to weaken you and overcome you prostrate in the midst of the struggle for your salvation. I keep you away from the traps they set for you under the appearance of good things. I keep away from you so many illnesses. so many restlessness. so many vicissitudes and annoyances. I take away from you misfortune, misery and death.
I have been a Mother of love for you! I have been for you an unshakeable fortress!!! An insurmountable shield that surrounds you . that defends you . that guards you . that always keeps you in the Holy Peace of the Lord.
Sometimes I allow some suffering in your lives so that you may be sanctified, so that you may spy on your sins and those of others, so that in this way you may diminish the fire of purgatory for you in the other life and you may go directly to Heaven as I so desire.
I have spoken to you of My immense love in My Messages. I have taught you holiness, I have taught you the virtues that please God, that make you perfect in the eyes of the Lord, that sanctify you, that make you rise to the condition of Angels and leave the condition of earthly and carnal men. In My Messages I have done all I can to enlighten you, to enlighten you, to help you, to make the path of holiness easier and less painful for you. I have sought My children, to stone the sharp stones of the path of holiness for you so that they will hurt your feet as little as possible. I have sought to make the paths easier for you, so I am more on earth than in heaven lately. I have been on earth speaking, calling you from all parts of the world to enter the refuge of my heart, but I have not been heard even by you to the extent that I desired. Even today I call you once again little children: give me your hearts!
Give Me your lives completely. Obey My Messages completely and perfectly. Let yourselves be guided by Me! Do not be stubborn! Do not be "Cain", do not be "Cain"!!! Be "Able", that is, be righteous! Be good children, meek and docile to My voice.
Do what I tell you, even if you do not understand and do not understand my will! Give a proof of faith! Hence a proof of obedience! Give a proof of unconditional and full trust and you will see, My children, the fruit of My Messages: holiness, perfection, the SALVATION of your souls!
I am with you all the days of your life!!! If you have faith, if you have a pure and innocent soul like that of children, you will know how to perceive Me in the events of your life. You can feel Me in the events of your life, then your hearts will be happier, happier and fuller of light and life because in everything you will feel Me you will see Me and therefore always be with Me and always I with you!!!
I want to lead you to a very high union with God. To this end, renounce all those earthly things that have blocked the entrance of God's grace into your souls until today. All of you have earthly things, some more, some less. What are you to throw out of your heart these attachments that do so much harm to your souls and prevent you from flying towards holiness.
I, my children, as your heavenly gardener, want to prune you! I want to pluck out from you all the dry branches, all those weeds and all those herbs that have grown together with your souls sucking your spiritual strength, undermining your spiritual strength, that is, those attachments that do not let you be holy to the extreme. Give yourself to God to the extreme. Serve God with perfection and to the extreme. I will prune you My children, I will pluck from you these dry branches that hinder your spiritual growth.
I desire that from now on you meditate even more on My Messages and that in the midst of your daily work, you do a few moments of intimate and silent prayer with Me, uniting yourself to Me. Entrusting your work to Me as part of your prayer so that I may lead my children to do everything, even the smallest things of daily life with perfection in order to take from it such great merits, such meritorious value as the saints who did immense things for God but who also knew how to do the small things with immense perfection and love for God.
I love you all and bless you all today. I bless these My children who came from Argentina to be here at my feet, at the feet of My Son and of José.
Argentina belongs to me!!! The Plan of My Immaculate Heart in Argentina goes perfectly well! Everything I have planned is there realizing itself as I had planned with My Son and with José. I will now act even more powerfully to bring that Earth to a great holiness in order to make it a true shining jewel of holiness for the whole world to see, to praise God and follow, to copy the example of holiness. In Argentina, my Immaculate Heart will triumph! My Heart will be loved!!! Praised!!! Obeyed!!!! Followed and glorified by all My children!!!
In that land I will triumph for the Most Sacred Rosary. Oh Yes! I will triumph! That day will come! It is near!!! My Heart will transform Argentina into a pearl, a precious account of my mystical heavenly Rosary and it will shine for all humanity, for the whole world.
I love you My children and I want you to pray even more intensely today for Brazil.
He is Mine! Satan tries to take him from Me, to steal him from Me, but in the end, My Heart will triumph!
I will not allow it. But My victory will be more or less quick., more or less long as your prayers, your Rosaries, your supplications., your groans., your sacrifices and your intercession offered for Me to save Brazil.
Prayer is the condition for the Lord to grant grace. That is the law of Heaven. Therefore My children, pray even more ardently and even more longingly for Brazil so that My Heart may save it and free it from the evils of Satan, from the dominion of Satan. For the Most Sacred Rosary my heart will triumph! Peace".
Message of Saint Joseph
" - Very dear children. I Joseph give you the blessing today. My Most Beloved Heart fills you with love of grace and peace. Today I give you a special blessing from my Heart. You have already received the special blessing of the Blessed Virgin; today I give you the special blessing of my Most Loving Heart. A blessing that you can impart only by looking at all the people you meet and can. This blessing will continue with you every day of your life until death, and will be more or less effective in your life according to the degree of your faith, your love and your HOPE! I give you this blessing that will free your body and your soul. Fill your body and soul with grace and above all, give you the strength to advance on the path of holiness that we open here and offer to you.
To grow in holiness, you must keep in mind that Our Lord wants you to die for yourselves at all times, that is, to say NO!! Renounce your will to do his will.
You must also cultivate in yourself the great and wise virtue of PRUDENCE!!! Of fortitude! You must be prudent with yourselves. Often your own will disguises itself as obedience to God, but in truth the intention that goes deep within your acts is one: your benefit, your satisfaction and your glorification, not the glorification of God.
Many times your will seems to be subject to that of the Lord, but in truth it is only preparing the propitious moment to attribute and retain everything to itself, that is, what it does, what it seeks and what it fulfills in the end still to take some benefit for itself even if it is the spiritual benefit.
So pure must be your love for the Lord that you should not even seek spiritual gain in prayer, in faith, or in any holy work. It is clear that the prayers, the sacrifices, the meditations, the readings, that all that Our Lord has left you, all this produces in you spiritual profit, spiritual benefit, spiritual holiness, but this cannot be the intention of the soul. In all your acts the only desire and spirit, the only intention and scope must be in you: to love the Lord! Pleasing him. Praise Him. Bless him. Serve him in the best way possible without putting conditions and without wishing anything in return!
When your love is pure like this, when the spiritual love in you is pure and targeted like snow then you will be close to that purity that the holy Angels have in Heaven. They fulfill God's will purely out of love. They fulfill the decrees of the Lord purely out of love. When your soul reaches this level of purity and spiritual disinterest, you will be close to the purity that the Angels have in Heaven. They love God and their love is so pure that they do not seek the increase of blessed joy that they can obtain in Heaven. They do not seek the increase of accidental joy. They fulfill God's will purely out of love for the Lord.
It is with this pure love that you too must love, serve, fulfill the will and law of the Lord on this earth.
I am here as your loving father to help you on this path! I am here to guide you in holiness, and I will not rest until I have transformed you into Seraphims into Angels of the highest love!
Continue with all the prayers we have given you here, and above all, pray more to me so that I may purify your love. That I may pull out of it all the herbs of self-love that disguise themselves in your souls and distort, distort and corrupt the intention with which you do things for the Lord and for the Holy Virgin. With My hand I will pluck from you all those harmful things that harm your souls and rob you of the merits of even the best deeds you do.
I am your father and I do not want to see you grow stunted, that is, without merits in your soul.
I want to see you growing strong, robust, with merits of the greatest.
So, my little children, let me purify you!!! Let Me sanctify you so that you may become robust, garbous and beautiful flowers to give as a gift to the Most High God. Peace to you!"