Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Message of Saint Joseph

Loved children. I am your Father. He who gives himself to me totally, will be enclosed within my Most Beloved Heart and with me will remain forever and we will be one in Love!
Live in the grace of GOD! Practice and exercise virtues so that your life may be pleasing to GOD and give him glory and praise.
Remember children:
May the arrogant stumble in his pride!
The lazy will fall into misery and know hunger!
The disorganized and relaxed will live in continuous confusion!
The vain will wither in himself, like a dry flower without water!
The proud one who trusts in himself, instead of putting his trust in GOD, will fall into all the snares of the enemy and lose the friendship of the LORD!
He who does not keep his tongue will become a victim of himself!
He who keeps his life to himself and does not give it to the LORD, is like the one who throws a great treasure into the abyss! He will lose his life. He will lose his treasure.
He who does not renounce himself, to follow after JESUS by carrying the Cross of daily renunciation to his own will. He is like the one who, even possessing a rich treasure, exchanges everything for a worthless coin and clings to it, despising the true treasure that is CHRIST-JESUS!
The one who offers all his life to GOD and to HIM follows, renouncing his own will, is like the one who puts the only valuable coin he has in the hands of the one who will make it multiply, and finally gives him back a treasure in eternal life that the moth will not eat away and none of the infernal pirates will be able to tread!
He who seeks his joy in GOD. And he who puts his hope in GOD will never be disappointed. He who has made GOD his treasure. He who made the Holy Virgin his treasure, will lack nothing!
Whoever gives everything to GOD, whoever gives everything to the Holy Virgin, will receive everything, a thousand everything! In perpetual joy in the glory of paradise.
I am the one who holds in my hands all the graces of the Lord!
I am the administrator of the heavenly goods of the Lord!
I have the autonomy to give these Graces to whoever I want, however I want and as much as I want!
I am your Mediator with the Lord and the Holy Virgin!
My prayers are very well accepted by them! And They deny me nothing.
Therefore, come to Me and I will fill you with Graces of Holiness, Virtues, Love, Obedience, Purity, Holiness and Peace! There will be no limit of plunder for you, you can carry as much as you can carry!
I want to give a lot! For much I can give, much. He who comes here in this chapel and kneels in the cenacle on this altar and asks me for the grace of sanctification, the eternal salvation of his soul.
Whoever asks me for virtue, who asks me for the grace necessary to live and exercise it well. He will not leave here empty-handed; on the contrary, I will carry him with such great graces! May he in a short time become a giant of love, holiness and virtue!
My LOVING HEART is the home of all those who make Me known! I know how to prefer those who love Me the most, who make Me known and who work to increase My devotion and my reign over souls.
And these My favorite children, in Me you always have your Father, your friend and your defender.
Pray. Speak less and pray more. Waste less time with useless things and pray more! For what the world needs is prayer! The world needs prayer, supplication, so that it can be saved by the will of the Lord from the threatening loss that threatens it.
Pray more and more. You will achieve nothing with words; with prayers you will be saved! With many Rosaries you will be saved!
With the meditation of Our Messages you will be saved!
Continue with all the prayers We have given you here, for they dry Our Tears, pull out the thorns stuck to Our Hearts, and save many souls every day!
Peace Marcos. I give you Peace. Remain in My Peace always".
(09/22/2007) Message of Saint Joseph: "I am your father. Whoever gives himself totally to Me will not be orphaned. Those who love Me, love eternal Life. Those who live for Me and through Me will be loved by the Word as their brothers. He who makes Me known will save his soul and live by My side forever. He who declares himself to be known to Me before men will be My beloved son, and I will declare myself to him before Jesus, Mary, and all the angels. He who teaches men to love Me will be My true son, and will live eternally in My lap in Heaven. I am the guardian of the Source of life. Whoever wants to drink of the water of life, that is, of Christ, come to Me, and I will give him drink. I am the guardian of the Tree of Life. Whoever wants to eat of your fruit of salvation, come to me, and I will feed him. The Tree of Life, Christ Jesus, placed its fruits of salvation in my hands so that I may give them freely and abundantly to whomever I want and as much as I want. The only requirement is that the soul be humble and ask Me. Marcos, I bless you from this chosen place. I love peace".