Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Message of Saint Joseph:

Dear children, I desire from you a perfect imitation of my Most Beloved Heart. You must imitate my patience in the face of the insults, mockery and injustices that I myself suffered in my life during the course of my earthly journey. Because I was very silent, because I was very given to prayer, meditation and much more focused on the inner life than on the outer life, I was the cause of mockery and insults, not only of the other children who knew Me in My childhood, but even of the adults and My relatives. They called Me 'shy'; they even called Me a fool and had Me as a late, incapable, fearful and weak child. All this I listened with patience, endured with meekness, and offered to the Lord in an act of sacrifice to hasten the coming of the Messiah into the world and in atonement for the sins of my people. You must imitate Me in this patience and meekness when you suffer mockery, insults and humiliations because you pray, because you are silent; because you are more lovers of the inner life of the soul than of the things outside, the amusements, feasts and things of this world and the affairs of this world. When men treat you thus with contempt, imitate me, offering these sufferings and humiliations to God in atonement for the sins with which he is offended every day and also to beg that as much as the second Pentecost may come to purify this world with fire and cleanse it of so much filth. I was a true co-redeemer with Mary Immaculate and I helped with my sufferings Jesus and Mary to redeem all humanity. The Lord allowed me during my life, before my death, to have knowledge of all the sufferings that Jesus and Mary would have to go through for the redemption of the world, and I shed abundant tears, often of blood, I suffered through an arrow of terrible pain as I contemplated all the torments that Christ would have to suffer and the torments that the Immaculate Virgin would have to suffer with Him, and for this reason I suffered throughout my life the very severe pains that the Lord kept in store, so that in the passion of Jesus and Mary I could unite them with the sufferings of the Lord and His Mother for the redemption of all humanity. Soon my physical absence in no way diminished the merits of my pains and tears, which were so united and so well accepted by the Eternal Father to collaborate in your redemption. Therefore, I am your Co-redemptor and whoever believes in Me as his co-redemptor, mediator and advocate, with Jesus and Mary, with their Sacred Hearts, will receive from Me all the grace, all the help for their salvation. He who loves Me as his co-redemptor will not perish, for I will sustain him with my power, with my most powerful patronage. Continue with all the prayers that We command you here. They are saving many souls daily. Do not stop praying them. Peace, Marcos. I bless you.