Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil


Sunday, November 11, 2007

Message of Mary Most Holy


Marcos, very dear son. I bless you today with all these My beloved children who have come to pray sincerely with you to My Heart.

"Little children, I want in all of you the virtue of magnificence,[1] this virtue that I spoke to you in the previous Message, is the virtue that makes the soul undertake hard things for GOD, for Me and for the salvation of the world, even bearing the consequences, sufferings and expenses that come from this, this virtue is missing in you My children. I desire that you undertake hard and great things for GOD, for Me, for the salvation of your neighbor! 2] My children, pusillanimity makes you close yourselves in yourselves. Think only of your problems, of your life, of your desires and ambitions. Renounce all this, renounce also ambition, which makes man want to rise up by bringing down others.

Magnificence, on the contrary, makes man rise above others; in zeal, in dedication, in work, but also raising other souls, sanctifying other souls by their work, by their commitment, by their ardor.

My children with this virtue of magnificence, you will be those ardent and zealous apostles that I have been seeking so much in my apparitions throughout the world!

Be courageous and do not stop on the path of obedience to My Messages for the sake of anyone and nothing. Follow My voice, let yourselves be led only by Her, only by Me. Do what I tell you, My children! Be brave! Do not be lazy; laziness makes you content with the spiritual level to which you have already reached; laziness makes you content with a little bit of conversion, of love, of holiness and religion that you have. Thus making you stop in the middle of the road and seek no longer to sanctify yourself, to perfect yourself more; to elevate yourself more on the road to perfection.

Little children with the virtue of magnificence, you will truly advance quickly and ardently along the path of sanctification, to which I invite you!

Continue all the prayers I have given you, asking for this grace of magnificence for you in souls.

Greater opportunity and condition to exercise the virtue of magnificence has the people who have more possessions, for having worked harder and for having been more successful in the temporal way of life. These people can help My work, the work of GOD, with more generosity and with more profusion, although even the simplest of people in this world can exercise the virtue of magnificence; placing themselves with everything they have, with everything they do, with everything they possess under My service and my works.

I am your heavenly commander, if a soldier disobeys his commander he will surely be or be hit by the enemy and perish! Or else he will later be punished by the Supreme General of all!

He who disobeys My Messages: will either perish in sin; or will perish in the punishments My son will send to all those who are rebellious and do not bend their serves before Me.

Continue on the path to which I have called you. Each day I love you more.

I bless you."

[1] Magnificence: grandiosity, splendor

[2] Pusilâmine: that or he who is weak in spirit; shy; cowardly; fearful.



