Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Message of Mary Most Holy

Marcos, most beloved son, I bless you today with all those who sincerely came to pray, come to console Our Hearts and dry Our Tears through displeasure and reparation.
You should all know that my Immaculate Heart wishes you total detachment, without which I cannot lead you along the path of perfection and holiness.
You must be detached from everything, because the man who becomes attached to something, when he loses it, soon becomes cloudy in his heart; and there Satan enters who puts the soul in constant agitation and takes it into the whirlpool of illusions and deceit through which the soul departs from GOD; he departs from Me and the divine plan we have for it. We must, then, detach ourselves from everything!
The man who fights against himself all day long to detach himself from something more than the one who preached a whole year to men, but kept attachments in his heart. For he, though perhaps free from others, remains attached to his attachments and therefore remains a slave. The first no, the first freed himself is no longer a slave, as a free bird can fly.
Of course, teaching others the Holy Law of GOD is good, but the one who teaches must first be free of all attachments, interests and goals that stain and corrupt intentions and will, so that only then can he help others to be free and faithful too.
It is more important to take advantage of man, to make war against his defects one day, than to raise the dead all over the world in the eyes of all; because once the dead are raised, the moment passes and only a mere memory remains. But to the man who makes war against himself, seeking to mortify his will, the fruit of this remains for life.
It is necessary to make war on the defects against attachments, self-love and all that clouds the splendor of your soul and obscures it.
I am with you. at all times to help you climb that steep mountain of holiness! I will sow flowers for you along the way so that you, My children, may follow and climb the path that your Mother leaves you and so do not make mistakes on the way!
I am always with you and I want your prayers to continue; asking for the grace of detachment, asking for the virtue of Magnificence, asking for the virtue of justice, asking for the virtue of religion, asking for the virtue of patience, asking for the virtue of conformity with the holy will of GOD, asking for the virtue of total abandonment, surrender and detachment from your souls.
I wish to lead you to a deep union with GOD and with ME, but no one will be able to unite with us unless they first disunite themselves from their disordered attachments and excessive love of themselves and the world.
Pray, for only with prayer can you achieve this great grace, this state of union and make the necessary detachments, without prayer you will never succeed! Therefore pray, it is prayer that gives strength to your souls, strength to your will to want to detach yourself and to want to unite supernaturally with GOD and with ME.
Marcos, I bless you and all those who truly love Me, obey Me and spread My will in My Messages".