Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, January 5, 2008
Message from Angel Celiel

Marcos peace! I CELIEL bless you again today.
You must all have the virtue of Prudence. This virtue that makes the soul ponder before acting, reflect on how to act, to avoid dangers so that it can reach the sure goal that is GOD.
The fool acts without thinking!
The virtuous man thinks before he acts and speaks. And with the virtue of prudence, he seeks the best way to do and say things in order to reach the desired goal.
With the virtue of Prudence, you will regulate your attitudes and your thoughts; directing them ever more to GOD. Pray, asking for that virtue!
I bless you Marcos and I bless all who are obedient to the Messages of the Mother of GOD!"