Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Message of Saint Barbara

Dearest Brothers, I, BARBARA, Servant of GOD, bless you today and say to you: Continue obeying the Messages that Heaven sends you here. These Apparitions are sacred, I have told you many times, and those who obey them will find Grace before the ALMIGHTY and His MOTHER.
Do not be rebellious to the teaching that is given to you from above! My brothers, students of GOD and of VIRGIN MARIA, apply yourselves well, to the study of these Messages that are given to you, so rich in lights and treasures for you! So that you may be approved when the LORD comes to examine and test you all!
Your arrival, the arrival of the LORD is imminent! Do not throw away your precious time! I and the other Saints, who came here and who will come and still come, are here to smooth the way for the LORD who returns to you!
Look at the top of the mountains, behold the LORD who is coming!
Hear the voice that comes down to you from the top of the mountain. Prepare the way. Prepare the way of the LORD.
The presence of the LORD and His MOTHER will become stronger and stronger as the hour of the LORD's return approaches.
Prepare your hearts to receive, keeping the lamps of your souls, faith, prayer, penance and holiness always burning! May the LORD not find you sleeping when he comes.
I will always pray for you, and I will always cover you with my mantle, especially you Marcos, whom I love so much! That I want so much!
I will now at this very moment bless the Bell, which you have had made for My honor, for My praise!
Every time it is urgent to call Me and you urgently need My help and help, touch it and I will come. He will draw me to you and to this place with my help and my blessings! Above all, the sound of them will chase away the demons, chase away the heavy rains, the typhoons, and the hurricanes; and it will draw to you all copious blessings, especially on this place.
Yes! When the sound of it touches, I will hear it and come to you, to bless you and cover you with My sacred mantle.
The peace Marcos. "Marcos: "-Peace, dear BARBARA."