Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil


Saturday, March 8, 2008


(Message communicated in a loud voice through the seer Marcos Tadeu Teixeira, during the Cenacle in the presence of all the pilgrims)


Message of Mary Most Holy

" Dear children, today you celebrate the Anniversary of my Appearance to my little daughter AMÁLIA AGUIRRE, when I then gave her 'Crown of My Tears' as a treasure and gift of my love to the whole world!

This important Apparition marked a high point in My great struggle, against the infernal dragon, which will culminate in the definitive victory and total triumph of My Immaculate Heart throughout the world.

With this Apparition, My Immaculate Heart, besides taking a decisive step in My victory, has given My children a very powerful weapon in the fight against the demons and against the evil that reigns in this world!

At this time. In this time of apostasy of the loss of true faith, of the growth of evil, selfishness and violence in the world, the 'Crown of My Tears' is the most powerful remedy that Heavenly Mother offers you.

With the Rosary of My Tears, you can overcome the demons, you can overcome the evil of this world, you can achieve the conversion of many souls every day! With it you can pluck hundreds and hundreds of souls at once from the clutches of demons and lead them to GOD; through the road of conversion, prayer and penance.

With the Rosary of My Tears you can shorten the times of apostasy, and the reign of Satan in this world; making the glorious day of My Triumph in the world dawn as soon as possible!

With this Rosary you can triumph on earth and gloriously enter the gates of heaven.

Pray, My children, My apparition to My little daughter AMÁLIA AGUIRRE in Campinas, was after FÁTIMA the decisive milestone in the battle of the Woman dressed in the Sun!

Take this great weapon, this great treasure that I have given you, use it profitably for your salvation and that of the whole world!

With this Rosary my Heart will triumph! When all pray for My Sorrows, My Heart will triumph in this world. Hasten my Triumph, prepare the way for the Lord's return.

I bless you and I bless you Marcos, apostle of My Tears, messenger of My Tears, angel who takes to My children these treasures that have been so despised by all humanity!

I bless your efforts. Continue, let us work together son of Mine. Spread even more the Messages and devotion to My Tears.





