Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Message from Saint Joseph

(Message communicated in a loud voice through the seer Marcos Tadeu Teixeira, during the Cenacle in the presence of all the pilgrims)
(Marcos:)-To always be praised JESUS, MARIA and JOSÉ!
What do you desire of me today, my beloved Father?"
"-Loved children, I am your Father and in my Most Loving Heart, I want to give an address for you all!
What does it matter to Me. that the sinner has done the worst sins, and that his sins are like scarlet, if he has truly repented of them, and wants to love Me and live united to Me, a new life in Divine Grace?
What do I care, that his sins be more extensive and deeper than the oceans, if he wants from now on to tread the path of holiness and wants to walk in the footsteps of his Father, obeying and lovingly following the laws and teachings He gives him?
What do I care, that the sinner has almost reached the bearable limit of sins, if he has truly repented and felt sorry for the bad life he was leading and truly wants to follow Me on the path of love?
To him who has truly mourned his faults and truly wants to follow Me on the path of love and righteousness, I will give My Hand, take him in My lap, kiss him, embrace him and lead him in My arms to the Father's House. Even if he stumbles a few times. I will take more into consideration his sincere desire to get up and go on, than the stumbling block and fall he had.
I want to save all sinners and lead them to GOD! It is my fatherly mission: to seek out sinners, to pursue them with my tireless and untiring love, to prove to them a thousand times a day that I love them and how great is the love of the LORD and of HOLY MARY for them; until I make them understand that We, want their salvation at all costs.
We will not save the sinner who does nothing for his salvation; who does not shed a tear for his faults and who is obstinate in his bad will, preferring to live for himself, to live without GOD, to live far from GOD, far away from GOD and from the IMMACULATE VIRGIN.
My LOVING HEART has the task of keeping you and caring for you in these last times of humanity; times of apostasy, times of sin, times of disaffection, times when men became worse than at the time of the flood.
It is my paternal mission to cultivate you in the closed garden of my LOVE HEART, to make you grow there day by day, until you become beautiful and fragrant flowers for GOD; leafy trees that give many fruits of sanctification.
With My love I want to lead you to the final Triumph, of the HEARTS of JESUS, of IMMACULATE MARY and MINE.
In these times when many lose faith, when the holy Catholic faith is weakened, shattered, and even disappeared from so many souls and nations; My LOVING HEART comes to be for you the beacon that illuminates you all in the middle of the night, so that you may safely come to your salvation.
See how every day the world becomes worse! See how errors are taught more and more every day within the holy catholic church; leading so many souls to confusion, loss of faith, loss of devotion and love for the IMMACULATE SEA, for JESUS, for ME, for the ANGELS, and for the Saints, for the holy things of GOD!
To save the world from this general wreck, My LOVING HEART offers you My HOLY TIME, which you must do every Sunday; with faith, with devotion and confidence, that My LOVING HEART through it will shine so brightly that it will blind Satan, shine so brightly that it will paralyze him forever, with its demons, and the world will little by little be freed from its satanic yoke.
Unite yourselves with the Angels and the Saints from Heaven, to do MY TIME; for truly I say to you: - The Saints and the Angels will descend from Heaven, to offer this holy prayer to Me, every Sunday at 9:00 in the evening.
My Most Beloved Heart, far from counting your faults; count much more your efforts to do good, to obey Our Messages, to live more and more according to Our will; and what you lack I supply with My merits.
Little children, do not be discouraged. In these times of great tribulation for the good, for the just, for those who walk in the Law of GOD; My Heart wants to be for you all; a sure refuge, a safe shelter, and a house of help and relief.
Trust Me with all your worries and you will see that one by one I will resolve them. Have I not solved all the problems of SACRADA FAMILY? Didn't I take care of all the sufferings of JESUS and MARIA? Didn't I protect them and keep them safe? Then why don't you trust Me? I am able to help you and lead you serenely in the midst of tribulations, without losing peace, until you overcome all trials!
With me at your side you will be invincible! You will triumph on earth and gloriously enter the gates of heaven.
Be ever more obedient to My messages of love! I love you all and today I bless you, giving you also the blessing of the MOTHER OF GOD and the ALMIGHTY, who sent me to you full of love, to give you comfort, relief and peace!