Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil


Sunday, March 16, 2008

Message from Santa Águeda


Dearly beloved brothers, I WATER you and I give you peace!

It doesn't matter if the bird is caught by a thick or thin thread; it won't be able to fly until it breaks the thick or thin thread; it won't be able to fly until it breaks the thread that holds it, preventing it from flying to high altitudes.

It matters little if what binds the soul to the creatures is a small or large attachment, until it is rid of it it cannot fly to the heights of holiness and supernatural love.

My dear brothers and sisters, know that it is not only mortal or venial sin that weakens and deprives you of divine grace and supernatural union with GOD, but also the small imperfections of everyday life: Too much talking; wanting to know news, curiosities and facts of another's life; attachment to this or that object; attachment to this or that thing; a thought, even if it sparks some sensitive pleasure or delight in nature; indecent and immodest words.

All these things not only deprive you of Divine Grace, but also make the supernatural union of your souls with GOD impossible.

The soul cannot unite with GOD unless it first overcomes these small imperfections.

The soul will not be able to unite with GOD if it does not overcome these small imperfections first.

The constantly curious soul; the undisciplined soul; the irreverent soul; the concupiscent soul will not be able to unite with GOD; as long as it does not do in itself the necessary cleanness to begin to climb the mountain of perfection.

The soul that wants to climb this mountain, the mountain of heaven, of sanctity; but does not want to amend its little imperfections is like someone who wants to climb a mountain by pushing a cart, will get tired, will not succeed and will still fall into the abysses crushed by the very cart of pleasures and attachments that he was trying to drag up the hill.

The bird that is attached to matter by the thread of attachments will try to escape by flapping its wings, but will only get tired and become easy prey of its predators; so also the soul, until it breaks with the little attachments it possesses will only get tired in the attempt to follow the saints, to follow Mary Immaculate, besides not being able to fly it will only get tired and become easy prey of its spiritual predators: sin, the world and demons.

Therefore dear brothers, put the knife, the sickle, into these threads that bind you so that you can fly freely towards holiness. You have nothing to fear, am I not here that I am your sister, that I love you and that I am for you?

Who then is against you? Who can defeat you if I who have already won, who have already won in Heaven, am for you?

Then stand firm, walk in grace, walk in love, walk on the road of self-denial and you will reach great holiness, you will give great glory to GOD and to VIRGIN MARY, and you will drag with you into Heaven a countless multitude of seduced souls, attracted by the perfume of your perfection!

I will help you, pray, continue to obey all the messages of love that Heaven gives you here.

Now, Holy Mary, Our Queen, Jesus and I finally bless you and give you peace".






