Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Message from Saint Joseph

Dear children. My LOVING HEART blesses you and I, to all of you today, envelop you with my Sacred Cloak.
I am the Father. And the father who loves his son, gives him his hand so that he may have less uncertainty in his first steps when he is beginning to walk.
In the same way, I give My Hand to the soul who is beginning on the path of love; so that it may have less uncertainty in its first steps, and when it is still so weak, it may stumble less and be less wavering in its steps.
That is why I have great patience with the soul who has begun on the path of love and who truly wants to follow Me on the path of perfection.
I don't care, what soul has miseries and weaknesses, if she has love for Me and a strong desire to follow Me on the path of holiness. I forgive her, lift her up and sustain her as often as I need to! The only soul I cannot help is the one who does not want to walk, who does not want to walk, who does not want to get up after the fall.
I cannot help the soul who, accommodated, prefers to lie down rather than walk toward the ultimate end, which is GOD and perfect union with Him. Therefore, I invite you every day to let yourself be guided by Me, to lead by Me; to lead by Me by the Hands to GOD!
My children listen to the throbbing of my Heart, which pulses with unceasing love for you!
What I ask of you is so little, just an act of trust, of full and total surrender in My Hands. To abandon you in My Hands is that; it is to renounce your will and your plans, to surrender you to Me so that I may make My plans in you, even if you do not know it or understand it.
If you give Me an act of faith and full trust, I will do My goodness in you.
How rare are souls of unlimited trust. If I find a soul of unlimited trust, what wonders I will do for her!
Marcos: Yes Lord, soon I will. See you soon!
Note: Saint Joseph asked Marcos Tadeu to ask everyone not to abandon the Crusade of the Rosary (Meditated Rosary that Marcos records) for Brazil, and those who don't do it to do it. He revealed that part of the enemy's plans was defeated.
Just choose the time from 00:00h of Sunday until 23:00h, informing the name in the Sanctuary.
To acquire the Meditated Rosary CD and leave the name for the Crusade, please call at Tel: (12) 99701-2427 (Sanctuary of the Apparitions)