Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Message of Saint Tecla

(Marcos:) Beloved Saint Thecla, I am very happy to be able to meet you. From the first day on day when I heard about you, I felt that My Heart loved you and united with you in some very mysterious and incomprehensible way to Me!
"-Beloved Marcos. I, Tecla, servant of the LORD and of the HOLY MOTHER rejoice greatly to be here!
I love you, I have protected you from the day of your birth until today and will always continue to guard and protect you. I also love all those who come here in this Sacred Place throughout the year to console the Heart of Our HOLY MOTHER, of SAINT JESUS and the Sacred Heart of JESUS with their prayers and sacrifices.
I come to tell you that only when man empties himself completely of himself will he find true peace and happiness, which is GOD.
As long as man remains full of transitory and passing things. As long as man remains full of the love of self, he will not be able to know and taste the Love and GOD in pure transformation that is only communicated and only revealed to those who empty themselves completely of self, so that they can then be full and replete of divine love.
Only when man understands that it is by giving that he receives; that it is by losing that he finds; and that it is by leaving that he finds; will he be able to truly know GOD's love and be transformed, divinized, deified, and then become the perfect image and likeness of GOD!
The HOLY VIRGIN is thus, for so many years, teaching you how to do this! She is here, with Our LORD and St. Joseph, fighting and striving for your sanctification. But unfortunately how many of you have hindered and even hindered her sanctifying action; because you have not yet understood that to find GOD you have to leave the world!
To be full, to be filled with GOD's love, you must first empty yourself of your own love.
Do this if you want to achieve perfect sanctification and be able to enter the gates of Paradise. I promise to help you with My powerful protection and help.
Continue with all the prayers that have been given you here.
See how all the warnings of the MOTHER of GOD are being fulfilled. The diseases that in your country have resurged with a violence never seen before; the floods where before it was so dry that the ground was cracked; and the drought where before the earth was fertile and green; all this indicates to you that the punishments for your sins, for the sins of the people of this nation and the world, are already happening and increasing in intensity, until then will come the great and terrible punishment that will put an end to the sins and wickedness of men!
You can avoid the chastisements if you want, with your prayers, sacrifices, and with your perfect conversion! If you obey the Messages from the Sacred Hearts, everything will be changed and GOD will have mercy on the world, otherwise you can expect the most painful punishments.
Convert quickly, these are the last warnings! Spread the Messages quickly, because there is not even 1/3 of humanity converted, praying and obeying the Messages of the HOLY HEARTS yet!
Do quickly what you have to do!
I THECLA bless you with the blessing of Almighty GOD and HOLY MARY. In the name of the FATHER, the SON and the HOLY SPIRIT.
Peace Marcos, My dearest angel. Peace."