Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Message of Mary Most Holy

Dear children. Today when you are already celebrating the Anniversary of My Appearances in Medjugorie and thanking the LORD for the great Grace of My presence for so many continuous years, I invite you to think and evaluate how much the LORD has loved you at the moment He called you to be part of His army; the portion He wants to save from the shipwreck and the general loss that now causes the whole world to sink into the abyss of perdition!
Give thanks to the Lord who has been so generous and kind to you; calling you even as you are, to be part of His chosen and much loved people!
Follow My Messages faithfully, for they are the greatest work of GOD's Mercy for this world. The love that I have searched for all these years and still search in your hearts; it is the Pure, unselfish, sacrificial Love that gives itself that forgets itself; to dedicate itself completely to the Lord, to Me and to the salvation of the souls that we love and that we want to save! But unfortunately. in many of our hearts we do not find this love, and so our UNITED HEARTS are wounded to see you in an immense desert without love.
My children, I invite you to open your hearts to True and Perfect Love. I desire to have a perfectly united life with you. I desire that your hearts be united to Mine, through the bonds of Love-Friendship; for this I invite you once again to the Consecration to my Immaculate Heart. Through the Consecration you give your life completely to Me, as a holocaust upon the altar, so that I may take it as my own thing and property and make of it what my Immaculate Heart wants!
It is the greatest act of love that you can do to Me and if you live and are faithful to this Consecration every day of your life, truly I can live in you; reign in you; act in you; and through you, to save not only yourself, but the whole world!
Come therefore, My children, join My army, consecrating yourselves totally to My Immaculate Heart!
I tell you, My children, that this time, the time of My continuous apparitions on earth, marked by My extraordinary and continuous presence among you, is the time when GOD has bestowed His Mercy upon the world. Do not waste such great Grace, My children, by thwarting the efforts of the LORD and My children, with your bad will, indifference and rebellion. But first, take advantage of these abundant Graces which, like a flood, are granted to you every day while I am here with you and speaking through you!
My Heart is so generous, that it is willing to grant all that you ask of Me through My Apparitions! To those souls who do this, I will deny nothing, nothing.
Continue with all the prayers that I have given you and commanded you to do here, I love you very much My children and I will never leave you alone.
Peace, I bless you now".