Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil


Sunday, July 13, 2008

Message of Mary Most Holy



61 years ago, I went down to MONCHICHIARI to ask my little daughter PIERINA GILLI to TREZENA, every month in My honor and to give the whole world My Title of "MY MISTICAL PRAYER" and make My first calls of PRAYER, PENITÊNCIA and REPARATION to the whole world!

So many years have passed and I continue to come to this world today, in so many places and extraordinarily here to tell you: that you must fulfill My Wishes so that the world may have peace and be saved from the great suffering that will come to it.

My IMMACULATE HEART will be your refuge and the way that will lead you to GOD; if you docilely let yourself be guided and led by Me!

My Immaculate Heart will be your refuge and the way that will lead you to GOD; if you, as meek lambs, let yourselves be rescued by Me, heal by Me, cleanse by Me, and lead back by Me to the 'Safe Haven' of the SACRATISTIC HEART of JESUS, that awaits you all, with Arms open to love and save you.

My IMMACULATE HEART will be your refuge and the path that will lead you to GOD; if you every day faithfully live the Consecration to My IMMACULATE HEART, fulfilling all the vows you made to Me on the day of your Consecration, living one in a perfect union of love and life with Me. And at all times letting yourself be molded by Me, modeling by Me, imitating My Virtues, renouncing your will and fulfilling Mine, even if it demands of you: Heroic Love and Sacrifice!

My IMMACULATE HEART will be your refuge and the path that will lead you to GOD; if you, My beloved children, are the 'true messengers' of My HEART! The true sowers of My Messages in the midst of the world and My 'brave Heralds' who carry them everywhere; My messages of peace, love and pain!

Thus My children, the plans that GOD entrusted to Me, the plan that I began in PARIS, LA SALETTE, LOURDES, to which I gave greater strength in FATIMA, passing through MONCHICHIARI, all the Apparitions, will be fulfilled, until I end in this My Apparition here!

Thus. working with Me, struggling with Me, suffering with Me; you will also overcome with Me and help Me to bring to this world, the new Heavens and the new Earth: Land of peace, goodness, justice, holiness, purity and love! Where there will only be: love, happiness and concord.

Each day that you obey Me, that you pray and that you fulfill what I say, you are My children putting an extra brick in the beautiful construction of the TRIUMPH OF MY IMMACULATE HEART! If you follow the example of my daughter PIERINA GILLI, of my son MARCOS and of my VIDENTS who loved me with all the strength of their hearts; working for me and serving me, with joy every day, I will lead you to the complete victory of my HEART, to eternal salvation and happiness that will never end!

To all today I bless. From LOURDES, from MONCHICHIARI and from JACAREÍ. In the name of the FATHER, the SON and the HOLY SPIRIT.

Stay in the Peace of the LORD.

Marcos, Peace! Peace! Peace!



