Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Message of Saint Joseph

Dear children, I love you with all the strength of my heart, and I bless you again today.
BEYONDS OF LIGHT OF MY LOVING HEART, to enlighten this Earth completely obscured by sin, evil, and the satanic forces that in recent times have spread throughout the Earth to lead the whole world to perdition.
RAY SEATS OF LIGHT FROM MY LOVE HEART, taking the light where there is darkness.
Faith, where it does not exist.
Love where there is hate,
Peace where there is violence.
Purity, where impurity reigns.
Meekness and humility where there is pride
And perfect obedience to the Lord where there is rebellion against Him and His Law of Love.
THE RIGHTS OF LIGHT OF MY LOVE HEART that bring everywhere the splendor of the virtues, the sanctity of God's love and His holy law.
THE RISES OF LIGHT OF MY LOVE HEART that wherever it arrives transform even the deepest night into a luminous day.
THERE ARE THE RISES OF LIGHT OF MY LOVE HEART, before this perverted and atheistic world that voted to be pagan and definitively departed from God and his holy law that is peace and love.
In this way you will be my true children and you will help me a lot to renew this world, to save it and to transform it from a stinking swamp into a bright, beautiful and fragrant garden.
If you are the rays of light of my Most Loving Heart, you can be sure that my light will reach the farthest reaches of the earth and all this poor humanity that freely wanted to be enslaved by Satan for sin will be able to be liberated and return definitively to the Lord our God.
That is why I asked you to make my hour of prayer. That is why our Three Sacred Hearts asked you to make the cenacles everywhere; these cenacles of prayers blessed with the hour of peace and the meditated rosary that bring to all souls the rays of light of my Most Loving Heart.
In your weakness I will show my strength.
In your smallness I will show my greatness.
Even in your defects, my perfection will shine even more brightly if you, as true consecrated to my Heart, are docile and obedient to all that I have commanded you.
Continue to come here to this chosen and elected place of our Hearts, for here we want to continue your conversion.
We want to beautify you, to raise you to high holiness.
There are graces that we can only do here. That is why you must come here singing and praying in procession, with an open heart and soul, well disposed and purified so that you can receive our graces.
Pray. Pray a lot because only with prayer can you understand our love, receive it in your souls and then increase it in you until it reaches its fullness.
Peace, my children. Peace marks. I bless you with love.