Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Monday, December 8, 2008

Marcos: Loved HOLY VIRGIN, IMMACULATE CONCEPTION, what do you want from me today?
Message of Mary Most Holy
"-Marcos, My son. the most obedient, the most hard working, the most faithful and the most dedicated to My IMMACULATE HEART. Listen, what My HEART comes to tell you today:
...Because I was conceived without the stain of original sin, I was always full of Grace, every Friend of my Lord, every Intimate of the People of the HOLY TRINITY. In Me, the ETERNAL FATHER could be pleased, as His most Dilemmed and well loved Daughter! The Son could then finally incarnate Himself in My virginal thalamus, to regenerate and redeem all humanity, and in Me to finally find; His Sealed Garden, His Garden of rest, His Place of rest. The HOLY SPIRIT found at last in Me worthy Tabernacle, Most Pure Temple, and definitive Abode; where He could finally pour out the impetuosity of His torrents of Grace, which He had always desired to pour out upon all mankind!
My IMMACULATE HEART without sin conceived, was always the Heaven of the Holy Trinity, the Second Heaven of GOD... because Immaculate, I was born completely free from the slavery of sin and from the tyranny of Satan and for this reason; it is My maternal mission also to free all My Children, given to Me by JESUS at the foot of the Cross, from the tyranny of this cruel enemy and to lead My children to the perfect glorification of the Holy Trinity, to the Imitation of His HEAVENLY MOTHER, OF HIS KINGDOM and OF HIS LADY!
That is why I have come here in JACAREI for almost 18 years, to call you all to the friendship of GOD to free yourselves from the slavery of Satan and sin and return to the life of Union, Communion and Friendship with Our Lord.
Pure is the Mother. Pure in soul must be the children!
Friend of the LORD is the Mother. Friends of the LORD must also be the children!
Filled with love is the Mother. filled with love should also be His children!
The loving son seeks to imitate the virtues of His Mother!
If you love Me. seek. seek My children. seek always the Grace of GOD and imitate My virtues and be as your Heavenly Mother is and asks you to be!
Because pure and conceived without sin, I have been able to reflect in a perfect and admirable way the Greatness and Beauty of the Holy Trinity.
I also want you to be so that the Glory and Love of the Holy Trinity may shine in you perfectly.
Thus. My children, you who are My soldiers of prayer and peace, continue to follow Me, continue to obey the commands of your Commander; so that we may as soon as possible achieve the full Victory of My HEART and the coming of the Kingdom of the HEART of JESUS, of My HEART, of the HEART of JOSEPH to the whole world, with a time of lasting peace and happiness for you!
To everyone today on the Solemnity of My IMMACULATE CONCEPTATION I bless you abundantly. Peace!"
Message of Saint Bernadette
"-Marcos, I, BERNADETE bless you today My most fervent devotee, my dearest friend and the most beloved of my Heart. Peace!".
Marcos: "-Marcos, here is the Bell that I made for you, that we made for you, working all year long to give it to you; for your glory, your honor and for the highest praise of your Name.
Deign to accept this humble offering and this humble homage to your Name, to your Greatness and to your Love!
Saint Bernadette
"-Marcos, I accept this Bell that you have made for Me, because you have proved to Me once more your love with works, because you have given Me this beautiful and sincere homage; I promise to pour a shower of roses of blessings on this Place every time this Bell is rung in My honor!
I promise to go to each one of you, when it is rang, to turn away the evil spirits and pour a spring, a torrent of grace, a fountain of grace on all who are here in this Place when it is rang. And on all those who imitate You; they also love Me are My devotees, they praise Me and make Me also known and loved so that in this way MARY SAINT THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION may also be better known and loved.
I am your protector, I have said it many times! I am the protector of all who come here and I call you today to redouble your obedience to the IMMACULATE MARY, being the little children of her IMMACULATE HEART, being the ECOS of her Love to the world.
Be the Echoes of IMMACULATE MARY. for this lost world, totally dominated by the forces of evil; enslaved in sin and submerged in the sea of hatred, violence, selfishness, impurity, wars, hatred against GOD.
Be the Echoes of IMMACULATE MARY, offering your voices, your Hands, your Feet to carry her Messages to every corner of the world!
Be the Echoes of IMMACULATE MARY, announcing everywhere these Messages that HER and the SACRED Hearts give here, because in these Messages is the Light that humanity needs, the Source of Life, Peace and Happiness that humanity is so thirsty for and so in need of drinking!
Be the Echoes of IMMACULATE MARY. showing through your deeds, your attitudes, your words and your faith that you are truly consecrated children of IMMACULATE MARY, who live according to the desires of her Heart. that you console her, that you love her, that you listen to her and that every day you strive more to resemble this Blessed Mother and imitate her virtues!
Be the Echoes of IMMACULATE MARY. making Her Messages and her love known, responded to and loved by all souls throughout the world.
At this moment I bless this bell of mine. I bless you Marcos, my most fervent and dedicated devotee. And I bless all those who also love me and work with you to make Mary Immaculate loved, obeyed and served by all men.
Peace Milestones. I bless you now".
Marcos:"-I am very happy to see you for the first time, beloved ARE RICARDO! I have always admired him very much for the things you have written about MARY MOST HOLY and that SAINT AFONSO relates in his book GLÓRIAS DE MARIA. Now I see and understand how much beauty there was in your soul, to write all those wonderful things about the MOTHER OF GOD!".
Saint Richard of Saint Lawrence
"-Marcos. how I love you! For so many years I have been waiting for the moment to be here with you and to bless you personally and all those who love you and love HOLY MOTHER in this Place!
I, RICARDO DE SÃO LOURENÇO, have truly loved MARY MOST HOLY with all my Heart! She was my great and Holy Love and for love of her I dedicated all my life, serving her and serving OUR LORD for her, with her and in her!
Today I invite you all to love the Lord in Mary and for Mary. Love the LORD for MARY and in MARY, seeking to live true devotion to her by fighting your defects, fighting your self-love, fighting your unruly will and inclined to evil, and seeking more and more to fulfill and obey the will of the LORD!
Love the LORD for MARY and with MARY making every day of your life a constant and continuous act of love for the LORD repeating many times:
Love the LORD in Moria, with Moria and for Moria. trying to imitate the virtues of the Most Holy Soul of Mary, copying her eminent perfections, striving each day to obey her more with acts of devotion, veneration, praise, prayer and love.
Do you love the Holy Virgin?
If you love her, then sacrifice yourself for her!
Those who say they love the Mother of GOD, but do not sacrifice themselves, do not immolate themselves for her, are deluded, deceived and lie. because without suffering for her, without sacrificing one's own will to do her it is impossible to have true love for this MOTHER!
Love the LORD for MARY and in MARY. seeking more and more to obey His Messages transforming them into the life of your life, transforming them into fruits of conversion and salvation in yourself and seeking to show through your actions and your way of being the truth, light, love, grace and salvation that are contained in the Messages of this Mother.
When your way of being, speak clearly and transparently; alive and bright; the content of the Messages of the Mother of GOD, then; many will see the Light of her grace, truth and love in you! And they will follow you along the path of conversion and holiness!
Love the LORD for MARY and in MARY. making each day your life more conform to the designs of the IMMACULATE HEART of HER, trying to correspond in every moment and in every situation what she desires and expects from you.
Now is the time for your YES! Now is the time for your decision. You must decide either for GOD and for HOLY MARY or for the world, for the pleasures, for the flesh behind everything, for the devil...good and evil; salvation and perdition are before are free to extend your hands to whatever you want. But you know that those who choose evil, who choose darkness, these will one day be suffocated and will die tormented in their own inner darkness.
This will be a Divine punishment for those within who have nested the infernal serpent instead of giving abode and welcome to the DIVINE MOTHER of GOD, with His ANGELS and His Saints.
I, RICARDO DE SÃO LOURENÇO, promise to help you in your hard mission of being true consecrated of the MOTHER OF GOD in these times, of ungodliness, of hatred to GOD and His MOTHER and to all that is Sacred and comes from Heaven.
I will help you so that with your innocence, with your faith, with your prayer and with your love you can overcome all trials, defeat all darkness and all errors, achieve all virtues and lead many souls to salvation, make you triumphant over the world and make you enter Heaven victorious!
I will take your Hand and lead you.
To all at this moment I bless and give my peace!
Note: On this day (12/08/2008) the Blessed Virgin blessed the Blue Scapulars of the Immaculate Conception that were erected by the pilgrims present and imposed on all. The Blessed Virgin also said that thanks to this Hour of Grace, thanks to the Holy Rosary prayed in the Shrine with Her, for Her and in Her to God, She managed to remove a terrible scourge that would destroy a certain region from the face of the earth and thanks to the prayers made in the Shrine on this day, she managed to cancel this punishment that would come and many people would die in this punishment, without time to convert".