Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Message of Mary Most Holy

Those children. at the end of this year 2008, which was so rich in Grace for all those who said YESto me, who answered my call and gave themselves completely to my will once again I say to them: - WATCH AND PRAY WITHOUT CEASING!
Through Unceasing Prayer, GOD will be able to communicate your continuous and great graces of His Love! You will receive constant help to help you on your way to will advance on the path of holiness and reach that perfection of love, which GOD desires from all of you!
Through vigilance you will recognize your faults, your defects, the temptations of the enemy and you will turn away from them, resist the suggestions of My adversary and always keep yourself in GOD's friendship and union with Him.
Through vigilance your souls will turn away the fiery darts that My adversary throws at you, to strike you and cause you to perish! Watch and pray together with Me, the Mother of the Second Advent, also in the holy expectation of the glorious return of My Son JESUS imitating the prudent virgins, who kept their lamps full of oil, certain that their spouse would come and so would not be surprised in sleep.
May the lamps of your faith, of your love, of your faithfulness to GOD be lit so that when He returns He will find you watching. Thus My dear children, you will imitate Me: in the Holy Love and constant vigilance with which I have always loved, listened, served and always been solicitous to attend to My Lord in whatever He asked or told Me, for I was the PRUDENT VIRGEMENT!
Watch and pray that next year your faith, your love and your hope may grow more and more! And pray with me for the conversion of this world, which this year has just been plunged into an endless precipice: of hatred, violence, sin, GOD's turning away, apostasy, denial of the truth and rebellion against the Law of the LORD's Love! Thanks to the cinema, the media, sin, evil, violence, alienation and rebellion against GOD, apostasy; they have been spread all over the world killing in souls any movement to give themselves completely to GOD!
Thanks to GOD's denial, families and society have plunged into the chaos of violence, hatred, selfishness, disaffection, war, death, destruction. Help me to save this world by praying for it as much as possible, so that our prayers may reach the Throne of the ALMIGHTY and still reach from Him the Mercy for this fallen world!
Pray with Me and carry My Messages with even greater ardor next year, so as to heal so many souls who have already been poisoned by the poison of errors, of apostasy that spreads more and more by killing true faith in souls and putting false faith in them!
If you help me next year through you I will act powerfully in this world. Finally, remember always, my children, that your motto must be:
Nothing without you MARIA! But also. Nothing without us!
I count on you. I expect great love from you, for I have given you much love this year. Peace My children! I bless you today and once again I tell you:
I love you and will continue with you next year. Peace!"