Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Message of Mary Most Holy Mother of God

I am your Mother and I call you to be more and more mirrors of my love for the world every day. Throw out from your souls everything that nubs or embeds; the clarity, the clarity, the transparency of your souls. so that I can finally show the whole world, the rays of my Love and my Light, reflected in your souls.
Make your souls pure mirrors, freeing you from all your disordered attachments. Seeking each day to make you better so that through you the world may see My bright Light and so the darkness may be little by little, soul by soul dispelled from the world!
I count on you and continue asking you to continue your prayers that I have given you here, for through them I will transform your souls into pure mirrors; where I will make myself reflected so that many of My estranged children will recognize Me, love Me and find Me through you! Peace Marcos, I bless you and all My children here".