Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Message of Saint Joseph

My children, my Most Beloved Heart gives you Peace and Blessing again.
"Learn from my Most Loving Heart, who is meek and humble, and then you will have in your hearts true peace, heavenly peace.
When your hearts are docile and allow yourselves to be led by the Divine will of the Most High, trusting in Him in everything that happens to you, waiting in Him alone and trying exclusively to do what pleases Him, however difficult it may seem, instead of following your inclinations that always tend and point to the easiest and most comfortable way, So different from the one God has always led His friends and His chosen ones, then your hearts will experience the supreme peace that the world does not know, that the world cannot reach or possess because it does not have the true meekness and humility of heart that is required to reach and enjoy this peace.
If you follow the example of my Heart, which at all times sought only to fulfill the plan of the Most High, to do that which pleased Him more, which allowed itself to be led so solely by the Lord's blessing and guidance that I was manifested in the events of the day and also through the Holy Word that I heard from my Most Holy Spouse the Virgin Mary and the Divine Child. By the inspiration of His grace that came to me in deep and solitary, recollected and intense prayer.
If you imitate what I have done and left for you as an example, you too will walk with a sure, sure, firm, decisive and confident step in every moment of your life. And it will always accompany you that heavenly peace that has always accompanied me in life, certain that you are under God's plan and that every day of your life, with every need, with the precision of each one, until the last day, are already counted in the hand of the Lord and he will give his support, give the gift of his love.
Therefore My children, follow me on the road of meekness, on the road of humility, of prayer and of trust and your hearts, rested that will be in heavenly peace, will have joy to bless the Name of the Lord.
To all today I bless and keep you in my Most Loving Heart".