Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Friday, April 10, 2009
(Good Friday) Message of Mary Most Holy Mother of God

...With my soul pierced with pain, and with my Immaculate Heart transfixed. of indescribable pain, I was. at the foot of the CROSS of my Divine Son JESUS CHRIST, on top of Calvary, with the pious women on this day when He gave His life to save each one of you and all humanity!
I heard the strong crash of the cross on the ground, I heard His last groans of pain and affliction, I heard His last lamentations and His last words of prayer, of forgiveness, of pain and suffering.
As Mother of the Redeemer I was at the foot of the Cross to help Him suffer and die. I was at the foot of the Cross to help Him suffer and die, to offer His life for the salvation of all humanity and to pay the debt of original sin and thus achieve for all of you the Grace of being able to enter Heaven and be true children of GOD!
I have been at the foot of the CROSS. pouring out copious Tears of Blood and uniting My Blood with that of My Son JESUS, for the ransom of all of you My beloved children and to finally reconcile you with the LORD, thus undoing the separation that original sin caused between the Creator and the creature, between GOD and man.
Joining My Blood Tears to the Blood and Tears of My son JESUS, I effectively and actively collaborated in the work of redemption of humanity. by offering with Him to the FATHER all the Pains, Works and Afflictions that we suffer together in Our earthly life, we finally managed to undo the sin of the first parents and open the door of redemption, salvation, happiness and Peace to all humanity!
And with us also Our beloved Jesus, who offered all His sorrows and sufferings during the time He lived with Us in Egypt, in Nazareth, in Bethlehem, for your redemption. All this, My children, was necessary to repair the sin of our first parents Adam and Eve and to give to the world the new hope of redemption and salvation, which springs from such great suffering from Our Three Hearts United and Immolated for your salvation!
In this way, as a true Co-redemptrix of yours and your Mother, today I call you, you who are the fruit of My Sorrows, My Tears and the Sorrow of My Divine Son JESUS:
RESURGE to a new life; through a deep and true conversion of your hearts to GOD.
RESURGING to a new life of Grace; through your "YES" to the will of GOD, which is revealed to you and manifested through My apparitions here!
I RESURRECT to a new life with GOD and in GOD, living in Him, for Him, with Him and always through Me, for the greater glorification of the HOLY TRINITY and for the greater good and salvation of souls!
RESURGE to a new life; a life where you, free from all disordered love for yourselves and for creatures, can with all the strength of your love, faith, self-giving and hope, love and serve the LORD, working and praying more and more each day to attract more souls to Him, to His Love, to salvation, to eternal happiness and to Heaven. So that My farthest children may return to the FATHER's Arms and to My Arms, so that we may save them, give them eternal peace and lasting happiness in Heaven!
RESCUE to a new life in GOD My children, according to the path of Prayer, Penance, Love, Sacrifice, forgetfulness of yourselves, so that My maternal plan may be fulfilled in you, and the plan that I have outlined about you, which unfolds in My Apparitions here, may reach its victorious conclusion!
In these times when the world has finished sinking into the swamp of apostasy, of lack of faith, of mistakes, of false religions, of violence, of evil, of selfishness, of enmity to all that is of GOD and belongs to GOD, I invite you to cast your eyes upon Me, the SORROWFUL MOTHER at the foot of the Cross, Mother who sheds Tears of Blood, Tears that have redeemed you, Tears that collaborate in your redemption, together with the sacrifice of the Son and therefore, SORROWFUL MOTHER who will soon bring you the new Easter of Resurrection with the Triumph of my IMMACULATE HEART in all humanity!
Trust! Have hope and faith in Me, just as JESUS and I conquered death, the devil and sin through the Cross and Resurrection, We too will conquer the spirit of evil that has now dominated and seduced the whole Earth and will bring you the new Easter of Peace, Happiness and Love in the new time of the TRIUMPH OF MY HEART that will come soon!
To you, my children, who are the fruits of my sorrows and the pains of my Son, on this day I bless you from NAZARÉ, from CALVÁRIO and from JACAREÍ.
Peace Marcos, I bless you and my children".