Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Message of Saint Joseph

Dear children of mine, my Most Loving Heart, blesses you and covers you again today with my Fatherly Cloak.
I love you all, My children, and no one can escape or excuse My Love.
My Love has not looked to you for great perfection and holiness, but has only looked to you, as My children, and that is why My Heart has looked to you: To love you and to favor you.
You had no merit, no merit to be worthy of My Love; only miseries, sins and defects!
But my Heart, which is all Love and Goodness, sought you out to fill your poverty with the spiritual riches of Heaven. To transform and change your spiritual indigence into an abundance and abundance of graces, lights and mercies of the Most High; and to transform your nothingness into great glorification for the Name of the Lord so that all nations, seeing the marvelous work He does in you, all languages may glorify and bless Him.
My Love has called you, chosen you and elected you, just as you are, full of defects and miseries.
With my Purity and with my Love, I want to cleanse you, purify you, beautify you, flood you with graces and transfigure you into the perfect IMAGE AND SELF-MADE of the Most High.
My children, do not resist to My Love anymore. Come! Come to My arms which have been extended to you for so long, awaiting your total and loving surrender to Me so that I may take you to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary and with them and in them to the Heart of the Father.
Come! Come no later! For your delay may become fatal if you prolong it any longer. Give yourselves completely to Me by renouncing and dying to yourselves and to yourselves so that then you may live in perfect union with Me, having the same thoughts, desires, feelings that I have and doing the same works that I do, for the heavenly Father works always and I also work always! And those who are Mine, must also work always for their own perfection and sanctification, doing what I do, working as I do for the good of their own souls and the souls of the whole world.
My Most Loving Heart blesses you today and again tells you: continue making My hour, My holy hour every Sunday at nine o'clock at night, because through this hour I will accomplish in you the greatest triumph of My Most Loving Heart and I will transform you into living and perfect copies of My own soul: Holy, Beautiful and Perfect, the same likeness and image of the Eternal Father. I bless you all with love now!"