Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Message of Mary Most Holy

My dear children, beloved children of my Heart. I bless you again today, I give you my peace and I say to you: TRUST and HOPE!
Through my Rosary, through this prayer that the proud despise, through this humble and simple prayer, I will defeat my proud and haughty enemy, I will overcome the powers of evil, I will overthrow all the haughtiness and ostentation of ungodly men, and I will raise up in the whole world the Glorious Kingdom of my Immaculate Heart.
With the prayer of the little ones, of the pure of heart, of the innocent, of the unknown of this world, I will accomplish the greatest work of the Lord after the Incarnation of the Word: THE TRIUMPH OF MY IMMACULATE HEART, THE SECOND PENTECOST, THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE KINGDOM OF OUR SACRED HEARTS UNITED IN THE WHOLE WORLD AND THE GLORIOUS RETURN OF MY SON JESUS ON THE CLOUDS OF HEAVEN TO RESTORE HEAVEN AND EARTH.
With this humble prayer of the Rosary, I will achieve victories as impressive as the one I achieved in Lepanto and conversions as resounding as the ones I achieved through My son DOMINGOS DE GUSMÃO when I gave him My Rosary in France.
Where there is Faith in My Rosary, where there is absolute trust in My Rosary, I will accomplish these graces, these miracles will happen. Where there is firm hope in my Immaculate Heart, neither the devil nor the forces of evil will overcome the power of good, of the Grace of the Lord, and the darkness will not be able to suffocate the light.
Where there is full confidence in my Rosary, my Immaculate Heart will always obtain its greatest victory and even when everything seems lost then, my Heart will cause the light of Hope, Joy and Salvation to spring forth.
Advance with the Rosary My children! Forward with the Rosary in your families! In the families of other My children, in this place, all over the world so that as soon as possible My Heart may raise the flag of the Lord's victory and proclaim the greatest Triumph of My Heart and My Mother Name.
So Be It! Glory to the Lord!!"