Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Celebration of the 163rd Anniversary of the Apparitions in La Salette for Maximino and Melanie
Message of Mary Most Holy

Dear children! Today, you still celebrate My Appearance on the high La Salette Mountain to My two favorite Shepherds, Maximino and Melanie.
The Message I communicated at La Salette is urgent and must be obeyed by you. and made known by you, too, to My children throughout the world.
To you today, I repeat what I said at the end of the Apparition, to My little children Maximino and Melanie:
"Go, My children, communicate this to all My people!
"Communicate to all my people my urgent call to Prayer, Conversion, Penance; if you want to save your souls, achieve Divine Mercy and still stop the evils and punishments that come to you.
Communicate all that I said in La Salette, to all My people!
Communicate My Message of repentance, of a change of heart, of a change of direction of your life!
Communicate My Message, which in other words, asked you to abandon your ways, to follow My plans. to abandon, to renounce your will, to obey the Will of the Lord and My Will.
Go. communicate to all My people, all that I said in La Salette, communicating My Message to them; who call to humility, who call to bow down before the Majesty of the Lord. Then, recognizing your nothingness and your misery, you may recognize it: the sovereignty of the Lord, the divinity and authority of the Lord God; who is your creator and your father. And so your souls may fulfill the Will of the Lord, without imposing conditions, without resisting Him, without opposing any obstacle on your part.
Follow all that I said in La Salette, walking after Me; along the path of self-denial, of the world, of glories, honors, power and riches. And following Me along the path of Simplicity, Humility, Love, Prayer, Purity! So that you may truly be like My little Shepherds Maximino and Melanie; 'Benjamins of Love' of My Heart! Seraphim of Love' of My Heart! So that just as in them My Will was fulfilled on My Mother's Plan, so also in you this Will may be fulfilled without obstacle, without delay, without failure, without fail!
In this way My children. you will dry My Tears! you will comfort My Heart, you will despise My Son of the Cross, you will descend My Son of the Cross and you will give Him great consolation and comfort.
Pray very much My children, for the punishments that I announced to you in La Salette, you can already see them today without any difficulty:
- I said that the seasons would change,
- that there would be many earthquakes in the world, many disasters of nature;
And you can already see them even here in your country, where these punishments will increase more and more, because they are also increasing: disobedience to My Messages, love for evil, injustice, sin, impiety and rebellion against the Law of the Lord!
If you do not want to perish along with them:
- Obey My Messages!
- Be converted without delay!
- Despise all and all who oppose My Messages, whether from here or from La Salette, all who oppose My Orders and My Plan.
And so, My children, I will be able to obtain for you still the Mercy of the Lord, salvation, and above all; the hastening of time so that soon comes 'THE TRIUMPH OF MY IMMACULATE HEART', where you will all be freed from the judgment of My adversary, of My enemy, who now feels the Lord safe from the whole world. So that then, free from his evil influence and slavery to his power and sin, you may enter a new time of peace, which My IMMACULATE HEART prepares for you and which awaits you eagerly.
To all today I bless. de LOUDES, de LA SALETTE, de POITMAIN and de JACAREÍ".