Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Message of Saint Joseph

Dear children, my Most Beloved Heart again today comes to give you Peace!
I am your Most Loving Father. and I have no other desire but to transform you into living copies of my own Love, of my own Most Loving Heart.
I want to reproduce in you My Virtues!
I want to reproduce in you, my Love for the Lord, my Love for the salvation of souls.
I want to reproduce in you, my most ardent Love for Mary Immaculate and for the Son of God!
I can only do this, however, if your souls give themselves to Me fully, through the TRUE CONSECRATION to my Most Loving Heart.
I love you all! And my love for you goes far beyond the burning of the sun itself. It burns within Me, it burns Me. And I have no other desire but to give it to you. Do not deny receiving Him! Do not close the door of your hearts to my love, as so many souls have already done.
Accept My Love, so that the Mercy of the Lord may fall upon you, while if you close the doors of your hearts to Me, the displeasure of the Most High will fall upon you; for the Lord's command to you is:
"Go all to JOSEPH."
Pharaoh's word about Joseph in the Old Testament was really a prophecy of God himself, who sends you all to come to me, that I may lead you all to him, all to Mary!
If you give yourselves completely to Me, I can give you completely to the Father. If you give yourself completely to Me, I will also give myself completely to Her.
Love My Heart. and My Heart will love your heart.
Give Yourself totally to Me. and I will give myself totally to You.
Be completely Mine. and I will be completely yours.
To all now I bless you with Love".