Final Preparations
Important Appeal from God The Father to All!
Before I unleash My Arm with ALL Its Force, AGAINST Planet Earth, I want to INVITE EVERY PERSON to follow My Indications and My Instructions that I will give in this Message because I want EVERY PERSON, to be SAVED and to come to Return to My House from where he/she came, from where he/she left and from where he/she is. (Continue...)
Red Alert
The END of our Freedom, of our Existence
The New World Order that serves my adversary has already begun to dominate the world,
its agenda of tyranny began with the plan of
vaccines and vaccination against the existing pandemic;
these vaccines are not the solution, but the beginning of the holocaust that
will lead to death, transhumanism and implantation of the mark of the beast,
to millions of human beings.
Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Message of Saint Barbara

Dear Brothers, I Barbara, servant of the Lord, servant of Mary Most Holy, greet you today and bring you Peace!
I love you very much. I love you so much! I am your protector and protector of this Place, of this Shrine that for Us in Heaven is more loved than all the rest of the world. And I have been defending this Place and those who come to pray to it for a long time!
I want to teach you true Love. I want to teach you to grow in true Love for the Lord and for Mary most holy every day. So that one day you may be harvested by them as a beautiful and fragrant flower for Paradise.
Grow each day in the Love of God, seeking ever more to listen to His Voice, that is, to know His designs that are manifested to you in the first place in the Messages that Heaven gives you here.
Then, through your deep prayer and your interior life of prayer. And thirdly, through the events that take place in your life, every day, through which God also indicates to you the path you must follow and the wrong paths you must leave.
Grow in the Love of God by seeking more each day, fighting your defects, opposing them to the virtues contrary to them, so that in this way your souls may heal more and more spiritually from the evils that make them sick, may become stronger each day through the exercise of the virtues and may become more beautiful each day, more pleasing to God and above all, may they give the Lord greater joy in the midst of so many terrible displeasures that men of these times cause Him every day and that make Him so often indignant against this world, which has betrayed His Love, which has turned its back on Him and consciously rebelled against His Law of Love!
Grow every day in the Love of God. Try to get as much as possible out of the vain things that this world offers and that so often usurp in your hearts the place that is due only to the Lord. So that in this way, truly free within, you may grow without any obstacle or delay on the path of this true Love.
To God. no matter what your faults.
To God. your faults do not matter. He does not require you to be exempt from them at first.
To God. only true Love in the heart and a firm desire to be only and uniquely His, to love only and uniquely Him. and every day more; seek Him, know Him better, love Him more.
To God. it doesn't matter that you do incredible things, because that is not what He asks of you! What He asks is a pure Love, it is a firm and unshakable Love, it is an unchanged, constant, continuous Love that always grows and never. ever. fades away, cools, changes or goes in another direction!
It is such a Love, what God expects from you and wants from you.
God expects from you a Love that consumes you completely, that makes you die to all that is earthly, so that you can truly live for all that is heavenly.
He expects your yes. He awaits your answer. He calls hearts, but the answer is free and only they can give. God waits standing before many hearts, but they have not been open to His Love and grace.
Pray, that you may be able to accept God's Love, for only by intense prayer can you accept God's Love!
Without Prayer, man cannot, cannot accept God's Love, nor embrace Him, nor be faithful to Him, nor keep Him with himself.
Pray for this!
Without Prayer you cannot live!
Without Prayer you cannot even say yes to God!
Without Prayer you cannot maintain the yes!
Without Prayer you cannot live, nor continue, nor grow in God's Love!
That is why Prayer Here has been recommended to you so many times, because it alone makes you capable of God's Love.
This Love. that has chosen you, that has chosen you to be here, and to be the privileged souls who receive this Love directly from Heaven. This Love that has been given to you so much, from you, so much more love awaits and waits.
I am here before you to help you with my graces, with my love and with my protection. So that each day you may respond more and more yes to God's Love, embrace Him, live Him, love Him, correspond to Him.
I promise: May the soul invoke Me with confidence and consecrate itself completely to My powerful protection, that I will make it grow in the true Love of God until it reaches its fullness in Heaven!
To all, today, I bless you with Love!"
See also: Message of St. Barbara of January 21, 2001
Message of Mary Most Holy
"-My beloved children! My Most Loved Heart. Yes! Most Loving, because My Heart is burning, burning with love for you all. On my Feast I now bless you with all the profusion of Graces, the privilege of my Immaculate Conception.
With these words I revealed My name to My little daughter Bernadette in Lourdes and I also identified Myself to so many and so many of My seers, including this little son Marcos so many times, to call you to the perfect and true holiness that pleases GOD!
I am all Beautiful! All Sunshine! I am all Shining! I am all Pure!
To this immense inner purity, similar to Mine, you too are called today by GOD through Me. For My Immaculate Purity was the perfect image of the purity of GOD, of that inner purity with which GOD created Adam and Eve in the beginning. And that they would never have lost, if they had not disobeyed GOD, if they had not given the serpent more credit than GOD, and if they had not been so rebellious to the Lord's command and had not committed the first fault, the first original fault.
My Immaculate Purity, which today shines and shines for all of you, is the perfect state, the maximum degree of perfection, to which a creature can reach in order to then be the perfect image and likeness of its Creator!
To this state of purity, as much as is possible in the Grace of GOD, and as much as is possible for Me to lead you, I want to lead you, make you come to be the perfect image and likeness of the Lord's own purity.
To this state of inner purity, I have called you all these years, through My Messages, inviting you: through prayer, sacrifice, renunciation of yourselves, of the world, contempt for your will, the interior mortification of your own corrupt self. To lead you to this perfect interior purity, which can only be possessed by those who have already died to all that is sensitive and born to all that is eternal and heavenly!
In this way My children, only in this way; you will be able to attain to the immaculate, clear, resplendent and refulgent purity to which I have invited you and which GOD expects from you.
I am the Woman dressed in the Sun. I am the Woman beautiful and white as the Moon. I am the Woman bright as the stars. I am the terrible Woman like an army in battle order. Who invites you to nourish within yourself more and more each day, to cultivate and make grow this inner purity of love. so that upon My command you may fight the army of My enemy. which is an army of impurity, which is an army of sin, of wickedness, of spiritual filth and stinking mud, of eternal rot. which comes from sin, from love for this evil and corrupt world, from love for that which is contrary to the will of the Lord!
If you possess this purity, this inner innocence of the heart, you will be My true soldiers: docile, ready, obedient always to My commands and who will do whatever I command you without delay, without delay, without deficiency, nor failure. And so, I will be able, powerfully, to act in you and through you, to produce and establish in the world the greatest Triumph of my Immaculate Heart.
Here. where so much love, so much grace I have given you. so much more love, so much more obedience and correspondence I expect from you!
I am your Immaculate Mother! You must follow after me, following the perfume, the heavenly path that I leave for you. so that each day you may walk behind me: along the path of prayer, holiness, love, truth, fidelity to GOD. And so may you leave once and for all the paths of sin, error, deceit, illusion, eternal death!
In this way, My children, I will be able to lead you safely to your heavenly father, who calls you and awaits you all with unlimited Love and Mercy.
To all, at this moment I bless you. To those who pray my prayers that I have given you here every day, who are my true slaves of love, who spread my messages and follow me on the path of holiness. Today I give my Special and Motherly Blessing; fruit of the great love of the Lord of all for me and also of the love of my Immaculate Heart for him.
To everyone now. I bless you with Love!"
Message of Saint Julian
"-Dear My Brothers! I, JULIAN, servant of the Lord and of Mary Most Holy, bless you now with all my heart.
I. have loved the Lord with all my strength! The Lord was my only and great love. And I have no other desire but that you love the Lord and his Mother too, with all the strength of your heart.
The love of the Lord is sweet, let yourself be found by everyone who seeks Him. It is not far away. It is not in a distant kingdom. It is not in another world, nor suspended above the clouds of heaven. It is so close to you! It is so close to you that anyone who wants to find Him can do so without difficulty.
He is inside your heart. It is within your heart that GOD has placed His Love to be found for you! It is in your heart that He wants to be found by you and that He wants to reign in you.
How many souls spend their whole lives seeking happiness in vain, without realizing that happiness is within themselves. It is in their heart, it is in the love of GOD, which resides in the heart of each one of us. There, in this sealed garden. there, in this sweet room of your souls, GOD wants to be found by you; through a life of deep prayer, of deep intimacy with Him. through a life of perfect consonance, of perfect spiritual attunement with Him.
When you die to yourselves, when you root out from within your heart totally; the love of yourself, the inordinate love of you, the inordinate love of creatures. Then you will be able to meet the Lord, for then there will be room for Him to come to you, to make Himself known to you, to let Him meet for you.
Enter. Plunge into the core of your heart, through a life of intense prayer, intimacy, meditation, living with the Lord. And there you will find Him full of goodness and mercy for you, to fill you: with His mercy, with the knowledge of His infinite goodness, with the sweetness of His benevolence, with the graces of His forgiveness, of His peace and of His salvation!
I want to lead you to a deep inner life!
Whoever asks Me and lets himself be led and formed by Me, in this kind of life, I will lead him into such intimacy with GOD that nothing. nothing can make the soul leave the sea of the love of GOD in which it will be immersed, the living flame of love in which it will be burning, in Heaven of grace, of peace and holiness in which it will be elevated.
I take your hands now, and I sincerely want to lead you to this great holiness.
Be docile to My action and I will lead you!
To all, at this moment, I bless you with love".
Message of St. Catherine of Sweden
"- Dear Brothers My. How much I love you. I cannot describe!
I Catherine, I am your sister. I have prayed for you for a long time. And also for you I have suffered; because I see how much you have been rebellious to the teaching, direction and guidance that the Mother of God has given here for your sanctification and salvation in these apparitions.
How it crosses my heart to see that many of you consciously disobey Her Messages. Do not meditate on the Messages that the Sacred Hearts give you here. Do not bent over with love to try to understand the teaching of holiness that She gives you Here.
How. it is hard for me to see that many of you are insensitive, indifferent, and have neither love nor thirst for this tasty bread of holiness and salvation that God gives you Here is: The Messages given to you in this Place.
How painful it is for My heart to see that many of you have reached a level of indifference, insensitivity, and atrocious coldness to all that is from Heaven to the point that no more words of the Messages make the fibers of your hearts vibrate. Make your souls burn. Make your soul really rejoice in God!
You have lost your first love! You have lost true love! You have gotten used to the Grace of God!
You have taken the Grace of God that is given to you here in these Apparitions as a common thing. As something without value. As a common thing. And because of this, the Messages no longer attract you.
What a pain to see that so many who are here, so many hearts, are reduced to a dry desert. They let their hearts dry up because they did not take care of the Word of God that is given to you here directly from Heaven.
You have not cared for the seed of God's love that has been placed in your heart.
You yourselves left the walls of the city, that is, your souls, defenseless against your enemy that does not sleep, that does not rest for a single moment and does not leave a single moment to work for your fall, for your perdition!
Dear Ones, return to your first love!
Go back to that love that you felt when the Messages passed you by the first time!
Let this spear of Divine Love pierce you again. It can do it again. It is before your hearts just waiting for a yes, a small opening so that it will pierce you from side to side and make your souls burn again in the fire of the mystical love of the Lord, burn in the fiery furnace of the Most Sacred Hearts United. And then everything in you will rise again! Joy, happiness, the sense of life, the sense of prayer, the sense of service to God and to Mary Most Holy, the sense of the struggle for the salvation of the world and for the Triumph of the Most Sacred Hearts in souls, everything will rise! Peace, Love, Hope, Faith!
Yes! Everything will resurrect and revive in your souls if you turn to true love. Then, my beloved brothers, open your hearts to God's first love in you so that he may once again make your souls burn like true bonfires, which when you have completely consumed your souls, will spread to others and also make them burn and thus the whole world will become a furnace only of living love for the Lord and the Mother of God.
If on the one hand I am saddened by those who have lost their first love, on the other hand I am glad of those souls who during all these years kill the flame of true love alive in themselves.
How many souls who have been pierced here by this love and burned by this love still remain burning today, night and day like burning furnaces of love for God and for the Blessed Virgin Mary. They are denied nothing! They love the Lord and His Mother more than themselves. They have already died completely for themselves, for the world, for all that is sensitive and passing and they live exclusively for all that is immortal, that is eternal, that is heavenly, that is Divine.
These souls, although they still have to pilgrim in this world, live immersed in God. They move in God.
They are in God. They live in God!
They are so immersed in the sea of God's love that they take from this sea everything they need for their soul. They are fully happy. They have reached the fullness of love, peace and grace and for this reason they live each day more calmly, more serene and more united with God and Mary Most Holy than the little child in their Mother's womb.
These souls are so united to God and Mary and so inflamed with love for them, so united with the mystical bonds of love for them are all their consolation, all their joy, all their contentment.
How often and how often does the Lord give up punishing the world for the love of these souls. How many times should the sorrowful Virgin Mary have left the world at the mercy of punishments and demons, but she did not do so because of the love that these souls have for Her and with which they console Her immense sorrow.
These souls are lightning rods of God's wrath. These souls are shields that protect the regions where they themselves live from punishment and demons. They are a 'terror'. They are the defeat and failure of the plans of hell and they are the triumph of the Lord's plans.
I care for these souls with renewed love and zeal and I invite all who listen to me now to be also the number of these blessed souls following the path of love, the path of inner mortification, contempt for oneself and the world, the path of total self-giving to God.
I will help the soul that gives itself totally to me to reach this perfect union with the Lord and His Mother.
This union will be easy for the soul who has true devotion to Us because true devotion to Us is like a bridge, like an elevator that brings the soul to this great union of soul and heart with the Lord in a short time and without much effort.
Instead of the soul climbing the mountain of perfection alone, we, the Saints of God, throw to them this basket that is the true devotion to Us into which it enters and we then pull it up and make it climb in a short time to the highest heights of holiness and life of perfection.
I love you all and promise to take you all to God in Heaven if you docilly give yourself to Me.
Pray! Pray more to the saints. Invoke them more! Continue with all the prayers that have been given to you here and you will arrive safely and certainly to Heaven.
We are with you even if you do not see Us. Even if you do not feel Us. More than your earthly brethren love you and care for you, We care for you! We are at your side and truly love you much more, with a love far greater than that with which all fathers and mothers love their children throughout the world.
The Soul that opens itself to Our Love, We will give it abundantly!
Marcos, Beloved! You have chosen the Heaven that I had previously chosen for you. And for this reason, because you chose the Heaven that chose you are for Heaven and Heaven is for you.
You loved Heaven, God and the Mother of God more than yourself, and therefore the Lord, His Mother and Heaven are with you.
We will not tire of repeating this to you: Rejoice in the Lord's love! Rejoice in the Virgin Mary!
Rejoice in the loves and graces of God and His Mother! Rejoice, beloved of the Angels. Rejoice preferred by the Saints! Rejoice Benjamin well beloved from Heaven.
Rejoice always and tell all those who come here to rejoice also because Heaven loved them first. Heaven here called them, here brought them. Here Heaven nourishes them, feeds them, keeps them, and guides them in its love, and to those who have Heaven for them nothing is lacking. Nothing, nothing else is missing!
To all now with the Blessed Virgin and Julian, I bless you generously".