Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Friday, January 1, 2010
First Cenacle of 2010
(Feast of the Most Holy Mary Mother of God)

"-Loved children, in the first Message I give you this year I invite you once again to renew the love in your hearts.
I, the Mother of God, the only one who has possessed the same Son with God in common. I, the only creature who has been able to carry in his bosom for nine months God himself, who gave him his blood and his substance, who fed him with his milk. I, the only creature who has received this privilege invite you to 'true love'. With love you can know God, you can love Him, you can correspond to His will, fulfill His Law of love. With love you will be able to give God what he expects of you most: filial love, total love, full love. May your love be trusting, undoubtedly, not hesitating, be pure, free from any intention other than to please the Lord your Father, to give Him joy, to be pleased in Him.
May your love be holy, that is, may the intention to adore God as your creator, to love him as your Father and to serve him as your Lord be always within your heart!
May your love be generous, may it never deny anything to the Lord, may it never resist His will, and may it give everything to Him, for the Lord wants nothing less from you than 'everything'. Give yourself completely to the love of the Lord and then you will see how the power of His divine love will produce in you: works of grace, beauty and holiness.
Pray! Only through prayer can you feel God's love, know Him, possess Him, love Him and make Him grow in you. The more the soul prays the more of His love God gives it. The less the soul prays, the less God's love it feels, the less it receives Him, the less it keeps Him, the less it corresponds, and makes Him bear fruit. The more the soul prays the closer it gets to God and God to it, the less the soul prays the more it moves away from God and the more God moves away from it. That is why, my children, pray as never before, for only through prayer can you be intimate with the Lord, His friends, His true children, and only through prayer can you know what He wants from you.
I am with you, to help you pray well with heart and love and to fulfill His holy will.
Continue with all the prayers that I have given you and have you pray here, through these prayers this year I will do wonderful things in you!
To all, with love I bless you generously.""-Marcos, beloved Mine, come to Me and I will fill you even more with My graces of Love, for I am the One who wants to give you much, very much! You are My vessel of choice and as such, I want to fill you with My graces in such a way until you overflow completely.
Just as I have sought the vessel of your soul, I seek vessels where I can pour out my love until it overflows completely. I seek empty, unoccupied vessels where I can pour out my graces of love, of transformation, of sanctification, but I do not find them. All the vessels that I find are filled to the brim with worldly attachments, with earthly loves, with vain commitments to creatures that keep me from doing anything in these vessels, in these souls. Even those souls who pray to Me asking Me to descend upon them, I find them full of these earthly loves, which block My action in them. They want Me to mix with the earthly loves and attachments that occupy their souls, and that I cannot admit. My love, though sweet and beautiful, demands renunciation of all that is contrary to Him, for that which is pure cannot be mixed with that which is impure. Until they are completely emptied, until they are completely emptied of all affection for the earth and the created, I cannot pour a single drop of My Love into them, and without My Love they will become dry vessels, cracked pitchers, tired and aged wineskins.
How many souls would have been filled with My grace until they overflowed into the whole world, and on the contrary, they were arid vessels where not a single drop of water was found that could quench the thirst of My Love. How much I would have given them of My Love if they had made an act of perfect emptying, of renouncing themselves and the world, their own will and self-government. How much I would have quenched not only their thirst for My Love, their thirst, but also the thirst of so many souls who walk in the darkness of ignorance seeking the true love that only I am, I have and I can give.
These souls could give the water of My Love, but out of their vessels came only dry sand, and so they withered themselves and all those souls that could be quenched in Me, quenched in My Love. So I want empty vessels that do not obstruct My action and My overflowing in them of any kind! I want vessels completely emptied, so that I may pour out My Love into them with a profusion greater than that of the universal flood, so that this time the whole world may be submerged, not in waters of death, but in waters of life, of eternal life. Where my water comes all life will be sated, restored, saved, and even that which already seemed lost and dead will revive!
Be yourselves the first to experience this great grace, letting Me act fully in you, pulling out and burning every kind of self-love in you, demanding from you unreserved renunciations, unreserved giving and total docility to what I want from you. Can the vessel tell the one who manipulates it not to touch me... or else, do not fill me with water? No! Just as the vessel cannot resist the action of the one who handles it, so the soul who truly loves Me cannot resist Me at all, without seriously offending My Love and sinning against the predilection with which I chose it and took it for Me. Where will you lead me?...for your surrender to Me is always complete and trusting.
Love is trusting, everything believes, everything hopes!
Be then, the pure and ready vessels that I desire and I will flood you with Myself, in such a way that your souls will never again be thirsty for any other love, and happiness will be your daily reward.
When I find the perfect vessels I seek fully emptied of myself and the world, the universal outpouring of My Love will be nearing completion in this world, then I will make My Second Pentecost from the vessels where I will pour out myself, and then I will overflow My torrent of Love upon every creature, even making the deserts become rivers of life and fruitful gardens where every fruit of holiness grows and rejoices My Eyes.
Come My children! My friends! And give Me your heart, your soul, and I will change you into true reservoirs of My grace, of My love and of heavenly life, and I promise you: you will never know loneliness and desolation of aridity again!
And never forget, it was I who loved you first. I existed before you and in myself I was already fully happy, I didn't need you, I called you into existence from nothing to know and love Me. and in loving Me you were participants of My infinite happiness forever. It is sin, the greater love for yourselves than for Me, that spoils the perfect work I have done and deprives you of all the happiness and good fortune I have called you to.
Love only asks for love! Love only seeks love! Love will only be found in Love and for Love!
Peace My children! Peace Marcos, blessed Mine".