Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Cenacle of the Epiphany - Adoration of the Child God of the Three Magi - Belchior, Baltasar and Gaspar

(Marcos Tadeu): Great Princess of Heaven, who are you?
"-Madest Marcos, I am IRENE, servant of God, servant of the Virgin Mary, your sister who comes again today to give you the grace of God, I say again, because I have always been here, in this Place, that for God and for Us in Heaven is more loved than all the rest of the world and here I am always keeping this Place.
I am with you every day and I want to help you to love God, the Holy Virgin more and to grow in this love every day.
Grow in the love of God more and more, always seeking what pleases Him the most, fleeing from the temptations of the world, renouncing ever more the desires of your corrupt nature and seeking with your hearts the heavenly things where your heart should always be, where your treasure should always be.
Love Love! (God) Love the Love that has chosen you, the Love that has called you here, the Love that forms you here, keeps you, nourishes you and feeds you.
Love the Love that loved you first, that loved you before you could love it yourselves, know it, or even correspond to it.
Love the Love that is God himself, who gave his life for you on the cross so that you could live the true life of children of God, heirs of heaven, brothers and sisters of the saints!
Love the Love that gave itself to you without measure and that did not calculate the sacrifices it would have to make to rescue you from Satan's slavery and the dominion of sin. This Love that gave everything it could for you, that gave its own life, that love that is not loved by men only asks of you love.
Love only seeks love in you! Love only seeks love! Love only asks for love!
May your love quench the relentless thirst for God's love for you with the wholesome water of love. Give to God the sweet water that gives: the water of your love, of your correspondence to His will, of obedience to the Messages that are given to you here, the water of prayer, sacrifice, penance, goodness, generosity.
While so many give God only a desert or at most the bitter waters of their rebellion, their disobedience, their ingratitude, their little love for the Lord, you are called to give Him the good and sweet water of true love!
Grow in love each day, read and reread the Messages, for in them you will find the will of God for you. God will show you the way and you will understand what He wants from you. Follow the path known then. I, will help you and lead you to the Lord, to the full accomplishment of His will, and I will see to it that your steps are as right as possible on the path to the accomplishment of His will.
My name, IRENE, means peace! I want to give you peace, I want to care for peace in you, I want to protect peace in you, this peace that only possesses the soul that has totally emptied itself and the things of the world that disturb it, that steal its peace. This soul that is full of God, that is full of His love and His grace and that even suffering keeps the peace unalterable, because its heart is not in the transitory things of this world that are sometimes possessed, sometimes lost, sometimes enjoyed, sometimes no longer enjoyed, sometimes come, sometimes go. Oh, no! These changeable things that steal peace, these things are no longer in the heart completely taken by the grace of the Lord, so these things can no longer disturb the peace of the soul, and the soul is more at peace than the little child in the mother's womb, because she is immersed in God, in His transcendence, in His will, in His love. Therefore, even when suffering comes, the soul does not despair, it is not disturbed, even though it suffers, but it is always at peace, and I want therefore to keep this peace, to protect it, to keep it, to increase it, to make it grow in you more and more until it reaches fullness. If you are obedient to me, if you allow yourself to be guided and led by me I will lead you to perfect peace, to total peace.
Come with Me! This year I will work intensely in your souls. Pray to me assiduously, fervently, and I will cover you with so many graces that you will weep with joy, rejoice in God and truly exclaim how great, how good the Lord is!
To all, I now bless you generously".
(MARCOS): "Yes, I understand. I will do so.(Pause) And you will return when?(Pause) Thank you very much! (Pause) See you soon."
Note: Today the Seer Marcos Thaddeus meditated in the book Mystical City of God the Chapters 11 (I take Second Blue) "The Holy Angels announce the Birth of the Savior in several parts. Worship of Pastors".