Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Message from Our Lady

My children so loved and so desired by Me!
I thank you for all the prayers you have offered here during these 19 years, for the realization of My plans, for the Triumph of My Immaculate Heart and for the greater salvation of souls.
I desire that you renew your prayers. and that you pray and fast as you did in the early days of my coming here. Pray the Thousand Hail Marys as much as you can at the beginning, so that I may save many more souls in this new year of my apparitions that will begin here.
I desire that you return to the origins, to the sources of love, that you renew love in your heart, that you renew zeal and obedience to Me and My Messages. In this way, truly, the Anniversary of my Apparitions will be for you the beginning of a new life!
I am with you and I accompany you day after day, the steps you take in God's Love, in Divine Love, in the sanctification and improvement of your souls and I rejoice in each success you have.
I take your hands, I lead you day after day more: on the road of prayer, of correspondence to the divine will and of the perfect fulfillment of the designs, of the plans of the Lord!
Continue to follow me through the Rosary, through prayer, fulfilling all that I have said to you here. that will not take long, my Immaculate Heart will surely triumph! And your hearts will enter My Kingdom of Light, of Love and of Peace.
Be attentive My children! The enemy is lurking around you to find a way to bring you down in the middle of the road, which you must follow in order to achieve salvation and holiness. Watch and pray a lot! Above all, on your senses, which are the doorway of suggestions and temptations to the depths of your hearts.
I and all the Angels and Saints are with you, to help you keep the gates of the city, that is, the gates of your soul's senses well guarded against the enemy.
Pray and the rest We will do, We can do everything in your favor!
To all I bless, with generosity at this time".
(Marcos): "- Till soon!"