Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil


Sunday, February 14, 2010

Cenacle of the Feast of the 152Nd Anniversary of the Apparitions of Lourdes

Message from Our Lady



(MARCOS): "May Jesus, Mary and Joseph always be praised! (Pause)

Yes, dear Madam, I am ready".


"-Loved and much desired children of my Heart. Today you are still celebrating the ANNIVERSARY OF MY APPARITIONS IN LOURDES to little daughter BERNADETTE.

On that occasion I called the whole world to prayer and penance, to love and purity. And today once again, I call you to walk the path of purity and to go and drink to the Source of God's Love.

'Go drink to the Source

I said to My little daughter Bernadette, indicating the place where she found My Miraculous Source, which over the centuries healed, converted and saved so many! That fountain, was the pure image of that other fountain 'The Fountain of Sanctifying Grace', where I want all of you to go and drink so that you can be saved.

Go and drink to the Source of Grace, so that your sins may be forgiven there, your souls may be purified, your hearts may receive the grace of Love and the Light of God. so that then you may walk more and more each day along the path of divine Love, of perfect transfiguration into Him, that is, by sublimating your soul to God, until you become one with Him, until you become His perfect image and likeness.

Go drink to the Source of Grace, so that you may truly find the path of conversion, of inner purity of heart, soul, faith, love and life. So that your existence on earth may be a continuous hymn of love for the Lord, a continuous cry of true faith and a continuous living in God, growing in God, becoming the Grace of God, becoming Himself.

Go drink to the Source of Grace, so that you may walk more and more on the path of purity of heart intention, so that all your prayers, sacrifices, works, have as their sole purpose to please God, to glorify God, to serve God, to obey God, to make the Lord more loved and better known.

Go drink to the Source of Grace, so that truly in your souls my loving plan may be fulfilled, the loving plan of my Immaculate Heart which is also the plan of the Lord's that through you I may convert, transform, sanctify and divinize, that is, transform into the pure image of God and make all souls live in Him. In this way all of you, deified by Me, will sing together with Me the perfect hymn of love, glory and true vocation that the Most Holy Trinity wants to receive from all men through Me.

Through you I want to reach all My children who are far from Me, all those who do not yet know Me and all those who lie in the darkness of ignorance and sin.

To these My poor little children, victims of Satan's deceptive seductions. To these My little children victims of human evil, violence, persecution, and the darkness that fills the world today, I want to bring the Light of My Love, the Immaculate Light of My Grace, that same Light that dazzled the eyes and heart of My little daughter Bernadette, that dazzles the eyes and heart of My little son Marcos, and that I want to make shine over all the souls and hearts of all My children.

Through you I want to bring to everyone the Water of My Grace, the Water of Salvation and Peace.

Go, bring all My children with you, so that all may drink from the Fountain of Grace: for prayer, for the knowledge and obedience of My Messages, for the true encounter with Me Here, in this Place, in this 'New Lourdes' of Mine, where I dwell day and night with My little daughter Bernadette and with all My Angels and Saints!

In this way My children, My Immaculate Heart will triumph with certainty and the kingdom of darkness of the devil will fall to the ground like a heap of ruins and worthless ashes. And then, I will bring to the whole world the new era of God's Grace, the new era of my Immaculate Heart, the Kingdom of our Most Sacred Hearts.

Continue with all the prayers I have given you Here, especially the ROSARY, the TREZEN, the SETEN, the TIME OF PEACE, because through these prayers My children, I will make you drink more every day of this Fountain of Grace to which I call you, and I invite you to drink as much as you want and as much as you can, because I will not deny anyone this wholesome water and the more you ask Me, the more I will have to give it.

To all of you today, I generously bless LOURDES. de FÁTIMA. and JACAREÍ".

(Great Pause) "Yes, I understand. I will do so.(Pause) And you will return when?(Pause) Thank you very much! (Pause) See you soon."

(MARCOS): "-I understand My Lady! I will do as you told me. (Great Pause) I will say yes to him. See you soon, dear Lady!



