Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Holy Saturday - Soledade of Our Lady of Sorrows
Message from Our Lady of Pain

My beloved children, I AM THE LORD OF SOLEDITY. On this Holy Saturday I remained without My Son JESUS, separated from Him, who lay dead in the Sepulcher.
I am the Mother of Solitude even today, because many of my children, unlike my Jesus, turn away from me, separate themselves from me through sin, through disobedience to my messages and to the Lord's holy law of love:
- because they do not want Me as their Mother in their lives,
- because they love earthly things more than the Celestial ones,
- because they prefer the loves of the passing things of the earth more than in My eternal Motherly Love!
Even today I am the Mother of Sorrow and Loneliness, because countless children and young people, from a young age already carried away by this pagan society and contrary to the Law and the will of the Lord, to early experiences of evil, to live as little pagans completely removed from God, from His knowledge, from His Word, from Prayer, from the knowledge of Myself, from the Prayer of the Rosary, from My Rosary, from My Messages!
These children and young people separated from Me, for a paid education, from this society of families, are the cause of My great pain, they are an open wound in My Mother Heart that bleeds without ceasing.
I am the Mother of Loneliness, for so many families who have separated from Me, who separate from Me because they no longer pray the Rosary, because they give themselves up to all sorts of pleasures and amusements, because they only try to have, they only try to gather things and they don't think for a moment about the salvation of their soul, about the love they owe My son Jesus who gives His life for the salvation of all, about the Love of My Mother Heart who has accepted a life of so many restlessness and afflictions for the salvation of all. These families are a very painful wound that My enemy inflicted on My Heart to make Me stagger, for showing Me that He has dominated all the families on earth. And that is why I am the Mother of pain and loneliness and I renew my urgent call to all families today:
Accept and obey My Messages, so that you may all be saved and healed: from the wound of disunity, the wound of divorce, the wound of discord, violence, selfishness. And so through you the world and the church may also be healed and saved, from the wound of apostasy, from the wound of evil, of selfishness, of war, of the very self-destruction that men are building day by day, with their own hands!
I am also the Mother of Hope. Just as on this day I waited in Faith, Love, Prayer and firm hope for the Resurrection of my Son Jesus, so today I am waiting joyfully, hopefully, for his Second Resurrection, that is, the return of my Divine Son Jesus Christ in glory, which will soon take place and renew heaven and earth.
Yes! You see how I was the Mother of the First Resurrection, the Mother who waited for the First Resurrection, I am the Mother who awaits the Second Coming of my Son Jesus, who will come on the clouds of Heaven to judge the living and the dead and to restore Heaven and Earth. Like John, like Magdalene, Veronica and the pious Women wait with me also: in Prayer, in Silence, in Penance, in obedience to my Messages, in the fulfillment of all that I have asked of you here. because soon my children, you will be set free!
If you persevere to the end you will be crowned. If you are true friends of Jesus and My children to the end, I will put the Diadem of Victory before you.
If you are constant even in pain and suffering to all that I have asked of you in these almost twenty years of My apparitions Here, I will put a palm in your hands as if you had been martyrs.
If you accept to suffer with Me the exclusion, the loneliness of which you are victims, because you follow Me, because you obey My Messages. Oh yes! I will include you in the number of martyrs, I will put the Palm of Martyrs in your hands. Yes My children, imitate Me, for I am the Queen of Martyrs and I have suffered all for Love of My Jesus, for Love of God, for the salvation of you all!
If you too accept to suffer with Me for Love of the Lord and also for the salvation of so many souls, who risk condemnation, you will be like Me placed in the number, in the Choir of Martyrs.
Forward my children! I am with you at every moment of your life! In the most difficult moments I am more ready, closer and more inclined than ever to your souls, your sufferings, your pains and tears.
My children, who follow Me, who obey My Messages and who come here always, especially on Saturdays you will now receive the plenary indulgence of My Heart, which I promise to all who honor Me, to all who come here every Saturday to console Me. In you My children who love Me, who obey Me, who follow Me fully. I am consoled, I am comforted. In you, Marcos, my favorite son, who never disappointed Me, who always gave Me taste, comfort and happiness, I am fully consoled. And in my children who gave their lives with you here to Me, consecrated to My service and in those who obey Me completely, I am truly consoled, glorified and much, much loved.
To all, to all of you. I generously bless you".
(Marcos): Yes Madam! Yes My Mother! Until tomorrow. Bye, see you soon, see you tomorrow. Yes."