Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Pentecost Sunday
Message from Our Lady

(Seer Marcos Thaddeus): Forever be praised JESUS, MARY and JOSEPH!
"-My beloved children! Today, I invite you again to holiness. Without holiness you cannot be accepted in Heaven on the day you leave this world and without it God cannot unite with you. Only through holiness will your life, your existence, reach the fullness of the purpose for which it was given to you by God.
You were not created by GOD, only to enjoy the goods and things of this world as if they were an absolute end in themselves for you, no! You were created for the Lord, for His Love, to know His beauty, His grace, His goodness, which fills the whole universe. And that then, in knowing Him and loving Him, you might be partakers of His divine life, of grace and of His eternal happiness.
In all my apparitions around the world, I have invited men and still invite them to holiness, but few have responded to my call because they are still too attached to themselves, to the world, to goods, to the honors and vainglories of this world.
My children, holiness is easy for those who have already renounced themselves and chosen God. It is only heavy, hard and difficult for those who keep trying to reconcile love for God and love for the world; the fulfillment of God's will and the fulfillment of one's own will; the search for God and the satisfaction of one's interests and personal wills, most of the time contrary to God's will. For them, the path of holiness will always be hard and bitter, so I invite you My children.
Do not be of the number of these unfortunate ones, whom My Angels, My Angels of Justice will bind like sheaves of firewood and throw into the fire that will never be extinguished.
I am the Mother of Divine Justice! Now I am the Mother of Mercy, I am giving every opportunity to men, to you. I appear, I cry in my images, I call, I give signs everywhere in the world to call you to God, to salvation. But soon, when this time of Mercy ends, the time of Justice will begin and I, the Mother of Justice personally, will be the one who with my son, the divine Judge, will apply the most fearful Justice against all those who mocked me, who did not want to obey me or listen to me, and who were the cause of my Heart having so many thorns pierced through it.
That is why, my children, I invite you: SANTIFY YOU, for this is the time that the Lord has prepared for you, where everyone who wants to seek holiness will obtain it.
SAINTS, like my daughter Rita of Cacia, like my little Shepherds, like my little daughter Bernadette of Lourdes and so many of my Clairvoyants, of my Elected ones throughout the world. Thus My children will give My Heart great joy and reasons to come to give you salvation in the day when each one is called by the Lord to receive each one, the reward according to His works. This time of grace has been given by the goodness of the Lord to you. I appear, I call, I speak, and yet so few are those who follow Me. Imagine if I then did not come to speak to you, if I did not appear, if I did not manifest myself to give the world my Messages of salvation. There would be no one else under the flag of the Cross of my Jesus!
Therefore I ask you My children: Do not waste time, spread My Messages to everyone! Do the Cenacles that I have asked of you in the families, carrying My Messages, the prayers and the treasures that I have given you in this Place, so that as soon as possible I may gather the number of sheep to keep safely in the fold of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. And then, may the Lord finally accomplish the great Triumph of my Immaculate Heart that I hope with holy anxiety.
To all, at this moment I bless you from Fatima, from HEROLDBACH and from JACAREI".