Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil


Sunday, July 11, 2010

Early Feast of the Apparitions of Our Lady Mystic Rose in Montichiari- Italy, to the Seer Pierina Gilli


(Our Lady asked that on July 13th everyone pray the Rosary of Tears solely for the conversion of atheists)


"-My dear children, today, when you celebrate My Appearance in MONTICHIARI as MY MISTICAL ROSE to My little daughter PIERINA GILLI, I bless you and give you Peace again!

I invite you and my children to be roses, yellow roses of reparation and penance as I asked my little daughter Pierina Gilli.

Be yellow roses of reparation and penance, offering your life to the Lord in sacrifice, to atone for so many sins with which He is offended. And also to beg with me for the conversion of so many sinners who every day go down the wide road of sin and condemnation, turning more and more away from God, offending Him and filling the world with evil, with sin, with the darkness of Satan. In this way, you will be yellow and golden roses that detach the mystical perfume of reparation, that ascends to Heaven before the Most High to cheer Him, to comfort Him by the great sorrow given to Him by sinners who reject His Love, who blaspheme against His Holy Name and who violate His commandments by practicing evil and injustice in this world.

Thus You are with Me the most beautiful yellow roses that I offer before the Throne of the Most Holy Trinity for His greatest glory, for His greatest joy.

Be yellow roses of reparation and penance, praying very much to all the days, to together with me counterbalance the weight of Divine Justice, who wants to punish and punish the world with the greatest punishments, such as the world has never seen. To do so, to punish and purify the face of the earth from so much sin, from so much evil that is committed every day by men.

If you are these yellow roses that pray with me, that beg with me, that beg with me for his mercy, we will still obtain from him superabundant graces of love for these souls of my poor sinful children, who madly live without God and think they can exist without God

In this way, We will draw you to the Lord through the mystical force of prayer that will produce the miracle of Grace and the encounter of the soul of these My children with God. And from this encounter they will become passionate about the Lord, they will love Him and they will never stray from Him again.

Be the yellow roses of penance and reparation, so that together with the mystical and supernatural perfume of reparation we may make the horrible stench of sin recede until it disappears completely. And so we can transform this swamp of sin in which the world has become, into a new garden of grace, beauty and holiness.

Be the yellow roses of reparation and penance, offering each day small sacrifices, abstinence and renunciations of the things to which you are most attached and which you love most. So that the Lord may purify your souls from your sins, make your souls more beautiful, close the wounds that sin has left open in your souls. And in this way, your souls and those around you will enjoy perfect health, beauty and spiritual splendor. So that each day I may present you to the Lord as the yellow, golden, most beautiful roses to give Him: joy, contentment and satisfaction!

Be like my little daughter Pierina Gilli was:

- a golden yellow rose of penance and reparation for you and others;

- a red rose of sacrifice, that accepted suffering, pain, that endured the injustice and persecution of My Love for the salvation of souls;

- a white rose of prayer, that every day gave to the Lord the mystical perfume of his prayer with the heart, more and more docile, more generous, more open, more obedient, more in conformity with the holy will of the Lord.

If you are like my little daughter Pierina Gilli was, you will truly be a golden yellow rose of penance, and you will make the yellow rose that I bring over my Heart shine powerfully over the whole world. And the souls who see this My Mystical Light will run to Me, leave the darkness, embrace the light and save themselves for all eternity.

Be My yellow roses of penance and reparation, red of sacrifice and love and white of prayer and innocence.

To all at this moment I bless MONTICHIARI, MEDJUGORJE and JACAREÍ.

Peace. Peace, Marcos. Peace to all my beloved children".



