Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Message from Our Lady

(Our Lady of Angels Day - August 2nd)
"-Marcos, my favorite and most beloved son.
Rejoice with Me! Rejoice, because today another part of My Plan has finally been fulfilled and I have reached another level, another stage of victory in My Plans of salvation for all humanity.
Rejoice with Me all My faithful children who have believed, who have obeyed My Messages throughout all these years, even without having seen or heard My Words coming out of My mouth.
Rejoice with all My children who have dedicated themselves, who have consecrated themselves to Me, who have given themselves completely to My Immaculate Heart and have followed the path of Prayer, Penance and Conversion that I have pointed out.
We have reached another step, we have climbed another step of victory in the great plan of salvation of my Immaculate Heart, for the whole world! And from victory to victory we will reach definitive victory in the Triumph of my Immaculate Heart.
Persevere! Persevere now, on the path that I have pointed out to you: of Prayer, Sacrifice, Penance, Love, Humility, Renunciation and contempt for yourselves, for the world and for your corrupt will; so that you may more and more each day: follow the path of love, generosity, faith, hope, grace and salvation. So that in this way, We, working together, may still rescue many souls who are dominated by sin and Satan and lead them back to the Lord of Salvation and Peace, along the path I have shown you throughout all these years in My Messages.
Forward, My dear children! I am with you, I am with you! I accompany you every day and every step you take. I rejoice in every progress you make on the path of true love, of true self-denial, of detachment from your will, and of ever more generous and trusting surrender to God, to Me and to My Plans of Love and Salvation.
Rejoice! Rejoice Marcos, because you have been responsible in great part for this My victory, for this My Plan that is being fulfilled more and more every day and that is climbing the steps of success and victory every day in the world, in spite of Satan, in spite of My enemies and the world itself. May all those who love Me as you do, who want Me as you do, who obey Me as you do, and who follow Me as you do, rejoice with you.
Peace, My beloved Son.
Peace to all My children who love Me, who obey Me and follow Me with love".