Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Feast of the Martyrdom of St. John the Baptist
Message from Saint Michael Archangel

"Dear Brothers My, I, MICHAEL ARCHANGEL, servant of the Lord, your protector and defender, I bless you once again today.
Fight the good fight, against the forces of evil, against sin, against injustice, against every kind of attack against the Law of the Lord, against His rights, against the truth known as such, against the adorable love of the Lord and His Most Holy Mother.
Fight the good fight, fighting always more for the truth, defending always more the truth of the Apparitions and Messages of Mary Most Holy, having no mercy on those who fight against her, that is, not forgiving their lies, not forgiving their ungodliness, their wickedness, their hardness of heart and always more, refuting, rebutting and crushing the lies, injuries and offenses that they raise up against the Mother of God by opposing them more and more the force of the truth, spreading the Messages of the Mother of God, making you the echoes of these Messages, going from house to house, doing the Cenacles she sent you, thus making the Voice of Truth, the voice of the Mother of God reach ever farther, ever further, so that all the darkness of lies, all resistance to the Mother of God, all love and attachment to sin and the things of the world, may be crushed on the feet of the Lord and of the Mother of God, as the crushed devil is always under my feet.
Fight the good fight, being ever more a living, intense and burning light in the world so that the world may see your light, come out of the darkness, know the light of the Lord and come to the light that saves, illuminates and dispels all darkness.
If you are light, light of holiness, light of grace, light of love, light of faith, example of obedience of faith and love for God, if you are this light by word, by deed, by your continuous search for holiness, truth and good. then you will crush evil, you will make good triumph wherever you go, wherever you arrive, and so souls will know the truth and the truth will set them free, save them and bring them to God.
Fight the good fight, seeking every day more and more, to do violence to yourself, that is, to fight against your bad inclinations, against your corrupted nature that always excites in you the lust, the greed of the eyes, the sight, the search for pride, the satisfaction of your bodily desires, this lust that makes you then also slide into the pride of life, which closes your soul to the rays of divine grace, which closes your spirit to the motion of the Holy Spirit, and which makes your interior plunge ever deeper into the darkness of sin, pride, rebellion, indolence toward the will of God, thus making you more and more like Satan, the Lucifer father of pride, the first haughty one who dragged after him all those who sinned for pride, so that in this way, walking more and more the path of humility, of renunciation of yourselves, of contempt for the world and of the lust of your nature, you may be able more and more to overcome yourselves and so, as true champions, as true victors, you may come ever closer to that great victory, That great holiness, that great free and happy life that God offers you, which is the life of union with Him, of friendship with Him and of total freedom from all those things of the world and of the flesh that want to enslave you and become vile worms, vile slaves to the things of this world that are worth nothing, that are nothing.
Fight the good fight, seeking always more to serve Our Heavenly Queen with a purer love, with a more ready docility, with an ever more blind and total obedience so that in your life you may accomplish ever more perfectly Her will, the divine will, and in your life God may write each day, ever more His signature of approval, that is, the seal that you truly live according to His will, you live according to His divine designs and you are the true friends and children of the Lord.
Imitate My obedience ready! Imitate My readiness in the service of the Lord, in the service of the Virgin Mary and so, truly, you will be as I am: the faithful servant, the fierce warrior who always carries out the Lord's will more and more and makes the vibrating cry resound:
Pray, pray my prayer every day, for your generation has a desperate need of my protection, my help and my support to escape Satan's snares. Pray the prayer 'Fighting with St. Michael', so that I may always protect you more and more and free you from Satan's ambushes. Pray My Rosary, pray the prayers dedicated to all the Angels so that We may always be your company, always present and always with the possibility of helping you, for these prayers open your heart, model your will, incline your will to be docile to Us, to Our inspirations, to Our action, to Our will, to Our direction, to Our holy guidance.
To all of you at this moment, I generously bless you, with all the Angels and Saints of the Lord.
Stay in the peace of the Lord. Stay in the peace of the Lord, Marcos elected Mine, dear Mine".
Note: The seer Marcos Tadeu asked us to pray for Brazil.