Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Message from San Lorenzo

Marcos beloved of the Saints, I, LOURENCE, servant of the Lord, servant of Mary Most Holy and of Joseph, herald and messenger of peace and truth, bless you today and all My brothers who are here.
I gave my life for Christ, I shed my blood for Christ and I gave my whole body to the flames for Christ's sake, but I did not deny Him, I did not betray His love nor the love of my Queen and Lady, the Virgin Mary. I therefore call you to true and sincere love for God and for her, which leads you to perfect holiness, which leads you to the perfection of life that pleases God and makes you true children of God, which makes you fellow citizens and worthy of eternal glory and makes you ever more pure and perfect temples of the Holy Spirit.
Love God with all your heart, His Law of Love and His Commandments, seeking always more to make your life a very pure mirror of the light of eternal truth. May your life become ever more a continuous radiance of God's own glory and may your works, all of them passed on from love, holiness and generosity, be very bright lights for the souls who are in the world lost, without knowing the way of salvation and truth and so all of them, enlightened by you, may come to know the way that leads to salvation.
Love with all your heart the Lord, His Law of love, His Holy Words, because the Word of God is alive, it is not a dead word, it truly acts and acts in the life of those who believe in it, of those who listen to it with love, because that God who uttered it, who said it is alive, is not dead, has risen, is active among you and if He finds your hearts thirsty for His Word, hungry for His Word, thirsty for His Word, eager for His Word, He who is alive through His Word accepted, lived, practiced and observed, kept by you, will transform your lives into a true hymn of love, a true copy and reflection of the life of the very fortunate ones of Paradise and your life will be more and more according to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, according to the blessing of the Most High and will be a vibrant music of love and true consecration of yours to God, who is Lord of love.
Believe with all love and love with all your heart the Lord, the Blessed Virgin and His Messages that have been given to you here for almost 20 years, because in these Messages is the living Word of the Lord, alive, active and actual for you, the men of these last times.
This Word, if it finds a good soil in you, that divine seed will fall and produce in you fruits of holiness, a hundred for one, a thousand for one, a million for one. Everything will depend on your response, on how you receive the seed, the seed of the Word. If you receive it with a grateful, generous and loving heart this Word, it will become in you a leafy tree with many fruits and the birds will come to shelter their shadow, that is, the souls thirsty for good, peace, truth, eternal light and God's love will see the fruits of holiness in you and will come to taste them and nestle around you.
If your heart is a fertile land that makes the seed of the Word grow and bear fruit, then in you truly all the promises of God contained in His Word and contained in the Messages of the Mother of God, the living Word of the Lord today for you, all those promises will be fulfilled in your life and you will see that God is truly faithful, that He has never forgotten His people, that He has never forgotten the promises He made to those who love Him, who fear Him, who serve Him, that He has not changed, He is the same God of yesterday, today and forever. He is the One who is and who will always be. He is the One who comes and comes quickly.
Love the Lord with all your strength and the Blessed Virgin by putting into practice these Messages that are given to you here in these last Apparitions for humanity. When these apparitions are over there will be no more Messages for the world. The Mother of God, Saint Joseph, the Angels and We the Saints, have come here with Our Lord and the Holy Spirit to call you to conversion for the last time. If you throw away this last chance that the Lord gives you, this last call that he makes to you, if you trample on this last gift, this last grace and favor that the Most High does to you, there will be no more chance of salvation for you and you will be lost forever, because the fire that must come is already at the gates, You can already see it descending on the top of the hill, that is, the Justice of God has already counted your days and has already marked the moment when it will descend upon the whole world to do justice to the good, the holy and the innocent who have been persecuted by the bad, who have been martyred by the wicked, who have had to be trampled on by the feet of the wicked and the ungodly who do not love God and are enemies of His Law of love. This fire is coming and will come to consume all the works of sinners and wicked.
Not long ago! That is why I call you to a true conversion, to listen once more to the voices from Heaven that here in this Place call you to a true conversion, to perfect conversion, to sincere conversion. Love and do not be afraid. Do not fear the devil. Do not fear the enemy. He has great power, it is true, but he has no more than God and the Blessed Virgin and her attacks against you have a limit. It is true that in this time of tribulation he was given more power, but this power will never be a thousandth of what the power of God and the Blessed Virgin is. So wait on them! Trust in them! Pray the Rosary, for the Rosary is the tool, the weapon of victory that the Mother of God herself has placed in the hands of her children, so that even though they are fragile, tiny and weak, with this stream of pebbles that is the holy Rosary, her tiny children may overthrow every kind of Goliath, every kind of infernal dragon that persecutes you and wants to destroy and annihilate you.
Pray the Rosary! Make siege of Jericho! Make the Thousand Hail Marys! Do the Cenacles that the Mother of God sent you from house to house, praying the Hour of Peace and her meditated Rosary, because those prayers can still save many souls that have the possibility of salvation. All is not yet lost, there are some feet of wheat in the midst of the great sea of weeds that has become this world and those little feet of wheat must be saved and must be saved by you who are the wheat of the Blessed Virgin and who must bring to them the grace of truth, of salvation, of the Messages of the Mother of God that touch the heart, that save, so that they too may join you and become a great trigal for the greater glory of the Blessed Trinity and the Mother of God, the Lady of Peace.
I am with you, even if you do not see Me, even when you are often downcast and tired and cannot feel My love for you I am with you! I love you! I cover you with My mantle. I keep you. I care for you! Trust Me with all your afflictions and you will see that your soul will recover peace. I will be with you always to carry your daily cross and not to let you faint in the middle of the road, so that you can reach that grace of victory, that glorious and eternal resurrection in the kingdom of heaven. I, who gave my life for Christ, who was burned alive for Christ's sake, say to you: Life on earth is a breath and here in this life, nothing, nothing is more important than to aspire, to desire heaven.
Live for it, do everything to earn it and reach it, fight to get there, for I tell you, if you ever reach heaven you will have won everything, but if you have lost your souls because you clung to the things of the world, to sin, because you loved yourselves more than God and loved the world and creatures more than God, I tell you: Your birth, your life and everything else you have conquered on this earth will have been useless: honor, glories, riches, great social status, because at the hour of death all this is worth nothing, nothing more, nothing for eternity.
Make your life a continuous search for heaven and salvation and even taking care of your obligations of state, your obligations of each day, that everything be done for you with the maximum of love, so that everything becomes superabundant merits of glory for you in eternal life.
I, at this moment, bless you generously with the Mother of God and St. Joan of Chantal who are by my side".